Kailani Matadora was born into a family of wood crafters and cobblers, living a providential life in a small forest town. Once war broke out in her country her father was drafted into service as a bowman as were many of the men of her town. With the loss of most of their menfolk, the small town began to teach all able-bodied citizens the skills necessary for defense. Within a few years, Kailani became a capable shot with a crossbow and even managed to aid a passing group of adventures in a battle against a cabal of Gnolls that threatened her forest community. After defeating the Gnolls, Kailani found a small arrowhead of jade that caught her eye. She quickly pocketed it, claiming it during the dust-up between the rogue and the fighter over looting rights. She eventually fell in love with one of those adventures, Tyrus, and the two began plans to settle in a larger city. Months passed and when the wizard from Tyrus’ group challenged him and Kailani about a missing artifact arrowhead from the gnoll’s shrine she vehemently denied it. The wizard left but would return later that night with a group of hired thieves. Tyrus and Kailani put up fierce resistance but the combination of the wizard’s spells and thieves’ daggers brought down Tyrus while seriously injuring Kailani. When Kailani’s blood splashed onto the arrowhead it awoke a strange voice that spoke to her in a sinister tone, promising her power in exchange for those who defeated its servants. Fearing the end was near she accepted the voice’s terms and was gifted with enough power to defeat the thieves. She unleashed a vicious blow on the wizard before they could escape but the damage was done. Tyrus lay dead and her life was no longer hers anymore. Since then she has dedicated herself to gaining revenge on the wizard that destroyed her life while making a profit hunting bounties across the country. With eldritch power granted from a dark gnollish-being, she hunts her prey wherever they may run.

Kailani Matadora (Crossbow Slayer)

Race: Variant Human +1 Dex, +1 Wis, Skill: Perception, Feat: Crossbow Expert

Stats (27- point buy)

Str 9 Dex 15 Con 14 Int 8 Wis 11 Cha 14 (base stats)

Str 9 Dex 16 Con 14 Int 8 Wis 12 Cha 14 (racial and feat adjustment)

The three things that I wanted to achieve with this build are:

  1. Expert Crossbow Marksman.
  2. Harbinger of Terror.
  3. Hunter of Men.


For the Race of this build, I went with Variant Human. With Variant Human he gains +1 to Wis and Dex, Skill: Perception, Feat: Crossbow Expert.


For Background, I chose Urban Bounty Hunter. This gives him the skills of Deception, Stealth, Tool Proficiencies of Flute and Thieves’ Tools, and the Background Feature of Ear to the Ground.


For the Class makeup of this build, I went with a mix of Fighter 1/Warlock 5 (The Undead). With this combination of classes, she gains a focus on ranged for the fighting style and a focus on crossbow usage with the feat Crossbow Expert. This combination also gives her the ability to transform, cast spells such as hold person and deal strong damage on a foe from all ranges of combat.

Fighter 1 is the beginning of this build with the skills of Acrobatics and Insight, Fighting Style: Archery, and Second Wind.

Warlock 1 is where Kailani picks up the features of Otherworldly Patron: The Undead, Pact Magic, Expanded Spell List, and Form of Dread. The key feature at this level is Form of Dread which gives her the ability to gain temporary hit points, a once-per-turn ability to inflict the Frightened condition on a foe, and she becomes immune to the Frightened condition as well.

Warlock 2 grants her the feature of Eldritch Invocations. At this level, she gains the invocations of Devil’s Sight and Fiendish Vigor. Towards the end of the build, she will have three invocations with them being Devil’s Sight, Improved Pact Weapon, and Thirsting Blade.

Warlock 3 is where she is gifted the feature of Pact Boon. It is at this level she goes for Pact of the Blade. This allows her to create whatever weapons she would need to defeat a foe. Later in the build, she will be able to create her trademark weapon of crossbows at the end of the build.

Warlock 4 is where Kailani picks up the feat of Sharpshooter. With this feat she can attack at long range without a disadvantage, she can ignore half to three-quarters cover, and if she takes a penalty on her accuracy she can deal extra damage.

Warlock 5 is the final level for this build with the feature of Eldritch Invocations: Improved Pact Weapon and Thirsting Blade. This gives her an extra attack with her pact weapon while allowing her to create any weapon while using it as a spellcasting focus.




Blade Ward

Lightning Lure

Mild Sliver

1st Level

Armor of Agathys


2nd Level


Hold Person

Misty Step

3rd Level

Phantom Steed


Standard Fighter equipment with Leather Armor, Longbow, Rapier, and Hand Crossbow.

Character sheet from DND Beyond



Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related