Inarieth was a happy half-elven child who came down with an incurable illness in her tenth summer of life. Her parents sought as much help as they could find but none could cure her. Bereft of all hope they heard of a spirit in the deep part of the woods who would heal any ailment for a price. Seeing no option they took the young Inarieth to this nature spirit. The spirit was a gnarled-looking collection of vines and trees that took on the form of a giant elk. In exchange for lifting this curse young Inarieth would need to visit with the spirit once a year for a whole month in this very spot. Seeing no option they agreed and the young child was cured. For the next ten years Inarieth would train under the spirit, each time she returned her elven heritage was slowly replaced with the traits of a Hexblood. Despite her new form Inarieth began to cherish her time amongst the spirit. She was trained in an ancient form of self-defense before being initiated into the druidic order centered around the nature spirit. This Order of the Fell Rites trained her in druidcraft and she flourished amongst its disciples. Now she has become one of the premier oracles of this order, handing out blessings and banes in equal measure as the order grows in its influence amongst the increasingly dark influence of the deep woods.

Inarieth Bloodmoon

Race: Hexblood +1 Cha, +1 Wis, +1 Con, Ancestral Legacy, Eerie Token, Hex Magic

Stats (27- point buy)

Str 9 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 8 Wis 15 Cha 13 (base stats)

Str 9 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 8 Wis 16 Cha 14 (racial and feat adjustment)

The three things that I wanted to achieve with this build are:

  1. Heal and Support at a Cost.
  2. Harm and Debuff on Demand.
  3. Eyes and Ears Everywhere.


For the Race of this build, I went with Hexblood but initially, she was a half-elf. With this race, she gains +1 to Con, Cha, and Wis, Ancestral Legacy: Insight and Nature, Darkvision, Eerie Token, Hex Magic: Wis, and Creature Type: Fey. The Key features of this race are Eerie Token and Hex Magic. Eerie Token allows Inarieth to view or communicate to a creature holding her token. The Hex spell from Hex Magic will enable her to punish her foes.


For Background I chose Feylost. This gives her the skills of Deception and Survival, Tool Proficiency of Horn, Language: Elvish, and the Background Feature of Feywild Connection.


For the Class makeup of this build, I went with a mix of Monk 1/ Druid 5 (Circle of the Shepherd). With this combination of classes, she gains strong buffing and debuffing abilities via spells and class features such as Spirit Totem and Hex Magic, multiple means of information gathering via Speech of the Woods, and Eerie Token, and stealth options with Wild Shape Improvement.

Monk 1 is the beginning of this build with the skills of Religion and Acrobatics, Brewer’s Supplies, Unarmored Defense, and Martial Arts.

Druid 1 is where Inarieth picks up the features of Druidic language and Spellcasting. This class is where she is welcomed into her druidic circle as an initiate.

Druid 2 grants her full membership into her druid circle, that being the Circle of the Shepherd. At this level, she picks up Wild Shape, Speech of the Woods, and Spirit Totem. Now she can communicate with beasts and discover what those friendly to her have seen in their travels. Meanwhile, with Spirit Totem she can strengthen her allies with one of three spirit effects.

Druid 3 is where she picks up her 2nd level spells.

Druid 4 where she gains the feat of War Caster, and Wild Shape Improvement. With this feat, she gains an advantage on Con saving throws to maintain concentration, can cast spells with a shield or weapon in her hands, and can cast spells on foes that provoke opportunity attacks. She also has the ability to turn into a ½ challenge rating beast like a crocodile.

Druid 5 is the final level for this build with access to 3rd level spells.





Produce Flame


1st Level


Speak with Animals

2nd Level

Healing Spirit

Heat Metal

Warding Wind

3rd Level

Call Lightning

Conjure Animals

Plant Growth


Standard Monk equipment with a Quarterstaff and Dart. Pick up a Sprig of Mistletoe when you can.

Character sheet from DND Beyond


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related