Giyu Tomioka is a major supporting character of Demon Slayer, a Demon Slayer of the Demon Slayer Corps, and the current Water Hashira. He is known for having a serious and emotionless expression that hides his true thoughts and makes him come off as stoic and cold to others. He is known for being extremely loyal to his friends and a fierce defender of justice, slaying demons who eat humans without hesitation. He is the impetuous for pushing Tanjiro into picking up the blade in order to defeat demons and look for a cure in order to save his sister. Giyu trained alongside his friend Sabito under Sakonji Urokodaki in the Water Breathing Style. As the current Water Hashira, he is his generation’s most skillful practitioner in Water Breathing, having created his own technique in the form. His style is one of circular movements, multiple flowing slices, and the crushing power of a tidal wave.

Giyu Stats

Str 14 Dex 13 Con 12 Int 8 Wis 14 Cha 12 (27 point buy)

Str 16 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 8 Wis 14 Cha 13 (after racial and feat mod)

Class Monk 3(Way of the Kensei)/Paladin 3 (Oath of Vengeance)

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. Masterful Flowing Swordsmanship.
  2. Crushing Wave of Destruction.
  3. Peerless Water Form.


For Background, I chose Soldier for Giyu. He gains the Skill Proficiencies of Athletics, Intimidation, Tool Proficiencies of Vehicles (Land) and Dice Set, and the Back Feature of Military Rank. This feature represents his rank as the Water Hashira allowing him the authority and influence that his Rank brings.


For the race, I chose Water Genasi for him but Custom Lineage would also work as well. With this race, he gains +1 to Str, Cha, and Dex, Acid Resistance, Amphibious, Call to the Wave, and Darkvision. The key feature for this build is Call to the Wave. With this race, he can summon forth the power of water to serve his will in and out of combat.


Giyu’s class breakdown is a mixture of two classes, Monk 3(Way of the Kensei)/Paladin 3(Oath of Vengeance). It is with these classes that he gains access to increased movement options to weave through the battlefield, healing options from lay on hands and spells, and various defensive and offensive spells and abilities that mimic the strength of being the water hashira, With Divine Sense he is able to detect the demon threat wherever they may try to hide. Meanwhile, his Channel Divinity will work to cut down his foes as quickly as possible. This combination of class and feats is the best attempt to consolidate his abilities and talents at this level.

Monk 1 is the starting class for Giyu. This gives him the skills of Insight and Stealth, Alchemist’s Supplies, Unarmored Defense, and Martial Arts.

Monk 2 is the next step in Giyu’s development. It is with this level he gains access to Ki and Unarmored Movement. Now he has the ability to gain multiple attacks, increased movement, and defensive abilities. His move also becomes 40 feet both in and out of water.

Monk 3 gives him access to the Monastic Tradition of Kensei and Deflect Missiles. With Path of the Kensei, he gains the ability to wield a Longsword as a monk weapon and gains Calligrapher’s Supplies and Darts to use for the special training of a Kensei. This special training consists of Agile Parry which gives him +2 to his AC when he uses his unarmed strike as part of his attack. While Kensei’s Shot makes his Darts stronger with an extra +1d4 to the damage.

Paladin 1 is where Giyu starts to gain the power of a Demon Slayer Corps member. He gains Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, and various Proficiencies granted by the Paladin class. Now he can sense the area if a fiend, undead or celestial are nearby as well as the ability to keep people from dying with the extra healing of Lay on Hands.

Paladin 2 grants him Fighting Style: Dueling, Spellcasting, Divine Smite, and Divine Health. Now he has the ability to level the strength of an ocean wave on a successful strike as well as enhance his fighting style with spells such as Thunderous Smite.

Paladin 3 is the last level for this build with Sacred Oath of Vengeance. Not only does it give him access to spells bane and hunter’s mark, but he also gains Channel Divinity in the two forms of Abjure Enemy and Vow of Enmity. One allows him to put fear in the hearts of his foes while the other gives him advantage rolls on his targeted foe.

With full use of Giyu’s powers he can perform the following techniques via spells and abilities:

Water Breathing

  • First Form: Water Surface Slash- Divine Smite
  • Second Form: Water Wheel- Jumping + Divine Smite + Flurry of Blows
  • Third Form: Flowing Dance- Agile Parry+ Attacks or Step of the Wind +Attack
  • Fourth Form: Striking Tide- Attack + Flurry of Blows
  • Fifth Form: Blessed Rain After the Drought- Coup de Grace + Divine Smite
  • Sixth Form: Whirlpool- Attack or Thunderous Smite + Step of the Wind
  • Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust- Patient Defense + Agile Parry + Attack + Divine Smite
  • Eighth Form: Waterfall Basin- Attack + Divine Smite + Step of the Wind
  • Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow- Athletic + Step of the Wind
  • Tenth Form: Constant Flux- Attack + Martial Arts attack or Flurry of Blows and Movement + Agile Parry
  • Eleventh Form: Dead Calm- Cast Shield of Faith + Patient Defense + Deflect Missiles

This combination of feats, stats, and spells makes this DND build of Giyu an unyielding tsunami of avenging fury against his foes in Six levels or Less.


Water Genasi(Wisdom)

Acid Splash

Create or Destroy Water

Water Walk


1st Level


Hunter’s Mark

Shield of Faith

Thunderous Smite


Standard Monk equipment with Darts and Shortsword. Grab a Longsword when you get the chance in order to maximize his damage potential.

Shout out to for their amazing information in making this amazing character as well as DNDBeyond for its character creation platform. My next build will continue building the Hashiras! That Hashira being Shinobu Kocho, The Insect Hashira! Until next week Tale-Tellers!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related