Good day, Tale-Tellers! I recently took a small break from writing to relax and catch up mentally from the many projects that I had going on. What turned into a few days grew into a full week and a half. After I caught up I realized that an adjustment was sorely needed.

With that being said I have decided to shift my articles and my schedule around some.

My One-shots articles are going to move to a monthly schedule but will be released on a Monday. It will be called Monthly Monday One-Shots.

Tuesday and Friday’s articles will still remain the same.

I will add a new free-form article called Scattered Saturdays where I talk about various elements of Dungeons and Dragons that come to mind. Whether they be ideas for spells, failed character designs, or even mini-campaign worlds, all of these things will be something that I will add each week.

With that being said I will say that good mental health is a necessity. If you find yourself or a friend in need of aid or help I encourage you to seek help. With May being mental health awareness month, having an open discussion on one’s own mental health is the first step towards a greater journey.

Until next week Tale-Tellers!



Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related