Vail Astrix was an orphaned child after her parents and she fell into the feywild while out gathering food in the forest. She was eventually found by a group of hunters and brought to live in an orphanage in the care of a small parish in the shady part of a large city. As she grew she felt the pull of the criminal element and worked for a local king pen doing small jobs like lookout and runner before becoming a hired killer. She was hired to assassinate a high-ranking member of a church along with a team of four. Despite the team’s initial success each member was taken out or found by the guards one by one until only Vail remained. She was able to get into the room with the Bishop before being gravely wounded by one of his guards. As she was fading she was offered the chance to spare her life in exchange for serving the church and by extension the bishop in pushing back against the darker elements of the city. After intensively being trained she was initiated into the order of holy assassins known as the Slayers of Dom’iel. Now she plies her skills, faith, and skills in terminating evil threats before they can harm the lives of the innocent.

Vail Astrix

Race: Variant Human +1 Dex, +1 Con, Skill: Perception, Feat: Fey Touched (Cha)

Stats (27- point buy)

Str 13 Dex 15 Con 13 Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 12 (base stats)

Str 13 Dex 16 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 13 (racial and feat adjustment)

The three things that I wanted to achieve with this build are:

  1. Alpha Striking Damage.
  2. Angelic Stealth Assassin.
  3. Dagger for her Faith.


For the Race of this build, I went with Variant Human, With this race, she gains +1 to Dex and +1 Con, Skill: Perception, Feat: Fey Touched (Cha).


For Background I chose Acolyte. This gives her the skills of Religion, Survival, and the languages of Infernal and Elvish and the Background Feature of Shelter of the Faithful.


For the Class makeup of this build, I went with a mix of Rogue 3 (Assassin)/Paladin 3 (Oath of Vengeance). With this combination of classes, she gains the ability to deal a massively damaging attack with advantage on her first strike, magical assistance to enter the fray and leave once the target is defeated, and multiple skills necessary to get close to her quarry. With these skills and abilities, Vail becomes the righteous blade necessary to take out the evils in her world.

Rogue 1 is the beginning of this build with the skills of Acrobatics, Insight, Stealth, Persuasion, Expertise in Stealth and Thieves’ Tools, Sneak Attack, and Thieves’ Cant.

Rogue 2 is where Vail gains the strong class feature of Cunning Action.

Rogue 3 grants her the death-dealing abilities of Roguish Archetype Assassin. She gains the Bonus Proficiency of Disguise Kit and Poisoner’s Kit and Assassinate. This gives her an advantage on attacks against creatures that have not taken their turn as well as a critical hit on a surprise round.

Paladin 1 is where she picks up Divine Sense and Lay on Hands. Now she can sense the locations of celestials, fiends, or undead near her as well as the ability to heal with a touch.

Paladin 2 is the next level of her training for Vail’s build with Fighting Style: Dueling, Spellcasting, and Divine Smite. Coupling her Sneak Attack with Divine Smite leads to a killer damage spike when she strikes down on her target.

Paladin 3 is the final level for this build with the Oath of Vengeance. With it, she gains Channel Divinity of either Abjure Enemy or Vow of Enmity and additional spells of Bane and Hunter’s Mark. These round out her potential on taking out her quarry as well as handling a variety of situations to get close to her target.


Fey Touched (Cha)

Misty Step

Dissonant Whispers


1st Level




Hunter’s Mark


Standard Rogue equipment with a focus on Rapier, Shortbow and daggers.

Character sheet from DND Beyond


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related