The PCs have arrived in the bustling river town of Oak Meadow seeking adventure, fortune, and fame. While in a tavern in the Hidden Knot they overhear that a large mine two days travel to the north is experiencing a problem with Hobgoblins. It seems they are converting the mine into their own fortified citadel, attacking and taking any resources they can get from caravans that happen to travel in the area. If the PCs check with the town’s guards they will be told of a stipend of 500 GP per person to clear out this dungeon. With a quest and payment in front of the PCs, will they be able to overcome The Halls of Gothmog of Udun?

This is a one-shot adventure for four level 6 PCs.

Six W’s

Who are the enemies in this One-Shot?

Ogres of all kinds, Orog, Hobgoblin Warlord, Hobgoblins of all sorts, Bugbears, Venom Troll and Troll, Orcs, Traps, Stone Giant, Frost Giant

What has happened to cause the PCs to fight?

The PCs over a group of drunken miners complaining about the mine being overrun by a goblinoid host led by a powerful Hobgoblin Warlord. If they press the miners for information it will require a DC 12 Persuasion or Intimidation check to pry more of the information from them. Failure results in a bar fight. Success gives the players a time lime of two weeks. Mainly the mines being overrun by the goblin army as well as giants that seem mystically drawn to the mine. They are eventually told to inquire more from the town guard if they want more information.

Once the PCs seek out Guard Captain Biermann who relates the open order to attract adventurers in clearing the mine of the goblin army once and for all.

If the PCs want to know about the secret history of this dungeon they would need to make a DC 12 History Check.

Where is this encounter happening?

This encounter is starting off in the mid-sized river town of Oak Meadow. It is here where the PCs can pick up supplies, talk to the various shop owners and learn of the history of the fabled mine to the north. From there the PCs will travel north for two days until they reach the jagged peaks known as the crown of the world. It is here where the gigantic opening to the mine sits. There is a lite presence of five orcs guarding the entrance.

The entrance to the dungeon is on the western side of the map to the left of Room 28. It is here where they will make their way through a fortified portcullis to get into the dungeon proper.

When did this happen?

The PCs find out about this dungeon at the end of the first day of being in Oak Meadow. The goblinoid army has been entrenched in this mine for the better part of two weeks. They have reinforced their position with traps and a large attachment of their forces while the main host seeks to build a fortress elsewhere.

Why are the PCs here?

The PCs are here to clear out the mines from the goblin’s influence. While here the PCs will run into a stone giant who has been trying to rid the mines of the goblins as well. If they are able to make a DC 13 Persuasion check they could entice the stone giant to aid them in ridding the goblin menace from these mines.

How will the PCs deal with this problem?

Once the PCs decide to enter the dungeon they will fight their way through the massive complex. The Warlord is currently holding discussions with some of his cohorts in Room 8 while the Stone Giant is in Room 27 hiding from the Bugbear patrol in the adjacent room. There is a Frost Giant locked in an iron cage in Room 16 that could possibly be convinced to assist the PCs albeit temporarily. The primary means of clearing out this dungeon is to defeat the Hobgoblin Warlord. Once he is defeated the army will begin to disperse albeit temporarily from the dungeon.

NPCs of Note

Lakros- A relatively young adult male stone giant of the Makros Clan. He is attempting to rid the goblins of this mine so as to keep them from delving further into the mountain. He is a bit overzealous and ambitious for a typically stoic stone giant, but he truly only wants to halt the goblinoids from setting up shop in this dungeon.

Guard Captain Biermann- A middle-aged human male of fiery red hair with a ruddy face and green eyes all framed by a dense set of mutton chops. He has been captain of the guard for the better part of five years but has witnessed a lot during his tenure. It is his hope to eventually be made a sheriff and set up in a much slower part of the kingdom. He is fair but gruff with everyone and is willing to do what he can to aid any adventurer since he use to be one himself.


The Halls of Gothmog of Udun (DM Map)

The Halls of Gothmog of Udun (PC Map)

Oak Meadow

Encounters & Treasure

Listed in the PDF


With the defeat of the Hobgoblin Warlord, this detachment of goblinoids and their allies will begin to flee the dungeon in a route of their forces. Lakros will thank the PCs for their help in casting out the goblinoids and will mention a possible alliance between the town of Oak Meadow and the stone giants of the Makros Clan. From there the PCs can hike down to the river and float back to Oak Meadow in a day if they have a boat or fashion a canoe.

Shoutouts as always to and for being amazing resources in creating this one-shot adventure!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related