Tanjiro Kamado is the main protagonist of Demon Slayer, the older brother of Nezuko Kamado, and Kanoe rank of the Demon Slayer Corps. His is the story of gaining power and skills necessary enough to turn his sister Nezuko back into a human while hunting down the demon responsible for slaughtering his family and turning his sister into one. With each battle he encounters he grows in his abilities as well as experience in order to confront and defeat some of the strongest demons known to the demon slayer’s corps. He teams up with his sister, Zenitsu, and Inosuke to battle demons and protects humanity from their flesh-eating ways. His original breath style is Water Breathing in there are a total of ten forms. Eventually, he learns to harness the full power of Sun Breathing that was used by his father. This particular build of Tanjiro will be up to when he defeats Riu.

Tanjiro Stats

Str 10 Dex 15 Con 13 Int 10 Wis 12 Cha 13 (27 point buy)

Str 10 Dex 16 Con 13 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 13 (after racial and feat mod)

Class Sorcerer 1(Divine Soul)/Monk 5 (Way of the Kensei)

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. Masterful Flowing Swordsmanship.
  2. Hard-Hitting Skull.
  3. Superhuman Scent Tracking.


For Background, I chose Folk Hero for Tanjiro. He gains the Skill Proficiencies of Animal Handling and Perception, Tool Proficiencies of Vehicles (Land) and Woodcarver’s Tools, and the Background Feature of Rustic Hospitality. This feature allows him to fit in with the common folk with ease, giving him allies amongst them who will harbor him should he need to rest and recuperate between fights.


For the race, I chose Wildhunt Shifter for him. With this race he gains +2 to Wis and +1 to Dex, Darkvision, Shifting, the skill of Survival, and Shifting Feature. Shifting gives him temporary hit points as well as advantage on Wis checks and no creature within 30 feet can make an advantage attack roll against you.


Tanjiro’s class breakdown is a mixture of two classes, Sorcerer 1(Divine Sorcerer)/Monk 5(Way of the Kensei) It is with these classes that he gains a flurry of attacks and defensive abilities, access to spells that enhance his sword damage while imitating certain breath techniques, the ability to alter fate using Favored by the Gods, hard-hitting unarmed damage and the durability to survive against the toughest foes. This combination of class and feats is the best attempt to consolidate his abilities and talents at this level.

Sorcerer 1 is the starting class for Tanjiro. This gives him the skills of Insight and Persuasion, Spellcasting, Divine Magic: Good, and Favored by the Gods. Favored by the Gods gives him the ability to influence his fate by rolling 2d4 to add to either a failed save or missing an attack.

Monk 1 is the next step in Tanjiro’s growth. It is with this class he gains Unarmored Defense and Martial Arts. This increases his AC immensely by using his Wis + Dex as well as dealing punishing damage with his unarmed attacks using his Dex instead of Str for his attacks.

Monk 2 gives him the ability to increase his number of attacks, defense, or movement via the two features of Ki and Unarmored Movement.

Monk 3 is where Tanjiro gains an increase in power with the job features of Path of the Kensei and Deflect Missiles. With Path of the Kensei, he gains Calligrapher’s Supplies, Kensei Weapons of Dart and Longsword, Agile Parry, and Kensei’s Shot.

Monk 4 grants Tanjiro a feat as well as Slow Fall. For the Feat, I chose Charger for him. Charger allows him to use his action to Dash and make an attack as a bonus action. If he moves 10 feet in a straight before the attack he can either deal + 5 to damage or push an enemy 10 feet away from him.

Monk 5 is the last level for Tanjiro’s build. This level gives him Extra Attack and Stunning Strike. At this level, Tanjiro can now make a total of four attacks and possibly allow him to stun a foe with each hit that he lands.

With full use of Tanjiro’s powers he can perform the following techniques via spells and abilities:

Hard Skull- Martial Arts and Stunning Strike

Enhanced Smell- Shifting Feature + Natural Tracker

Demon Slayer Mark- Shifting + Ki Usage

Total Concentration Breathing- Ki Usage

Water Breathing

  • First Form: Water Surface Slash- Charger
  • Second Form: Water Wheel- Jumping + Charger
  • Third Form: Flowing Dance- Agile Parry+ Attacks or Step of the Wind +Attack
  • Fourth Form: Striking Tide- Flurry of Blows
  • Fifth Form: Blessed Rain After the Drought- Coup de Grace
  • Sixth Form: Whirlpool- Ice Knife + Step of the Wind or Absorb Elements + Attacks
  • Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust- Patient Defense + Agile Parry
  • Eighth Form: Waterfall Basin- Attack + Step of the Wind
  • Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow, Turbulent- Slow Fall + Step of the Wind
  • Tenth Form: Constant Flux- Charger or Attack + Extra Attack and Flurry of Blows and Movement

Hinokami Kagura- Green-Flame Blade + Step of the Wind

This combination of feats, stats, and spells makes this DND build of Tanjiro a cleansing storm against the demon’s machinations in Six levels or Less.





Green-Flame Blade

Shape Water

Spare the Dying

1st Level

Absorb Elements

Ice Knife


Standard Sorcerer equipment with Daggers and Handaxe. Eventually, picking up a Moon-Touched Longsword to represent his Nichirin Sword.

Shout out to https://kimetsu-no-yaiba.fandom.com/wiki/Kimetsu_no_Yaiba_Wiki for their amazing information in making this amazing character as well as DNDBeyond for its character creation platform. My next build will be Tanjiro’s younger sister, Nezuko Kamado! Until next week Tale-Tellers!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related