The PCs are told of an old Yuan-ti temple to the north of the small river town of Windice Town. As the party makes their way to the wooded glade that contains the entrance to the temple they encounter a female silver dragon running out of the dungeon with minor injuries. Selta Silverwing was seeking a diamond to start her very first horde. Unfortunately, it was stolen from her by a half-ogre named Grantoe. Now, aching from a bruise Selta is seeking the party’s help in defeating these foes and looting the dungeon. Can the PCs tackle The Black Lair of Nightmares and rescue its treasure from Grantoe and his goons?

This is a one-shot adventure for four level 1 PCs.

Six W’s

Who are the enemies in this One-Shot?

Gelatinous Cubes, Bugbear, Orc, Gelatinous Cube, Mimic, Goblin, Wolves, Traps, Half Ogre (Grantoe)

What has happened to cause the PCs to fight?

The PCs were initially tipped off to this dungeon by one of the bartenders in Griffin’s Tower Inn. It’s a six-hour walk north of Windice Town. The old temple has been a beacon for monsters for over fifty years. Typically starting out adventurers would traverse its halls in search of hidden treasure as well as learn how to navigate a well-explored ruin. Once the PCs arrive at the ruin they run into Selta Silverwing and learn of Grantoe and his potential threat to the area.

If the PCs want to know about the secret history of this dungeon they would need to make a DC 10 History Check.

Where is this encounter happening?

This encounter is starting off in the small river town of Windice Town. It is here where the PCs can pick up supplies, talk to the various shop owners and learn about the history of the old ruins to the north. From there the PCs will travel north for six hours until they reach an old-growth forest and the entrance of the temple. That being a large hooded cobra stone relief that leads underground.

The entrance to the dungeon is on the northern side of the map right above Room 10. As the party enters the mouth of the cobra and follows its neck down to Room 10 they will be presented with a large magical alter in the south-west of the room as well as further branch pathways as they travel further in.

When did this happen?

The PCs told about this dungeon at the end of the first day of being in Windice Town. Selta Silverwing has been trying to get the Scaled Diamond from Grantoe for a full day now with no luck by the time she runs into the PCs.

Why are the PCs here?

The PCs are here to explore the old temple as well as to work together with Selta Silverwing to defeat Grantoe the half-ogre.

How will the PCs deal with this problem?

Once the PCs decide to enter the ruined temple with Selta in tow, they will be presented with wandering monsters, traps, and a myriad of passageways to explore. The party will eventually come to blows with the battle-hardened half-ogre and his vicious orc lieutenant in Room 1.

NPCs of Note

Selta Silverwing- A relatively young silver dragon wyrmling with a willful never say die personality and horrible luck. She first spied this temple as a potential place to set up her horde a few months ago. Having cleared out the first half of the dungeon from various goblins she felt confident that she could gather her horde with no one to bother her. Her first piece of that horde is the Scaled Diamond that sits on a dais in the very center of her treasure pile. Unfortunately, while she was away for a month Grantoe settled in and claimed the defunct temple as his own. When she came back she was met with stiff resistance and newly added traps. She barely survived her fight with some goblins armed with shortbows as she made her way out of the temple. After hiding for a few hours she attempts to retake the temple with the PC’s assistance.

Grantoe- A brute with the ambitions of a tyrant. He was originally going to take over the goblins that called this temple their home but found them all dead. He then found a sizable treasure horde here and claimed the dungeon as his own lair. He then started to recruit a small, but loyal band of fighters as well as contain a Gelatinous Cube to help keep the place clean. When he heard that a silver dragon wyrmling attempted to retake this temple he send some of his Warband to force it away.


The Black Lair of Nightmares (DM Map)

The Black Lair of Nightmares (PC Map)

Windice Town

Encounters & Treasure

Listed in the PDF


With the defeat of Grantoe and his Warband, Selta Silverwing will be ecstatic for the PC’s aid. She will offer them all of the gold and gems save her precious Scaled Diamond since it “smells stuffy” from being ogled by Grantoe and his minions. She promises to watch over these ruins as well as help train any new adventurers that the town sends up. This will eventually lead to the town of Windice setting up an adventurer’s guild and partnering with Selta Silverwing to protect the north from an ever-encroaching goblin horde.

Shoutouts as always to and for being amazing resources in creating this one-shot adventure!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related