Rou is one of few rare human members of Stigma who fought alongside the other races against the demon clan some 3000 years ago. He befriended and fought alongside Meliodas, Gloxinia, and Drole during this time and showed care for Gloxinia’s sister Gertraede. At the height of Stigma’s greatest victory, Rou aligned with the Demon Clan to defeat them. Fighting with a hatred long-repressed he and his fellow humans slaughtered almost every member of Stigma. Despite protecting Gertraede in the end his battle prowess was effective in brutally ending what was left of Stigma’s combined forces.

Rou Stats

Str 13 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 11 Wis 13 Cha 11 (27 point buy)

Str 13 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 11 Wis 14 Cha 14 (after racial and feat mod)

Class Monk 6 (Way of the Kensei)

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. Ravaging Shortsword Attacks.
  2. Athletic Fighting Style.
  3. Survivor of the Battlefield.


For Background, I chose Outlander for Rou. He gains the Skill Proficiencies of Athletics and Survival, Tool Proficiency of Pan Flute, the language of Sylvan, and the Background Feature of Wanderer. This feature allows him to survive in the wilds quite effectively via finding food and water as well as recalling layouts of terrains.


For the race, I chose Variant Human for him. With this race, he gains the Skill: Deception, and the extra feat of Piercer.


Rou’s class breakdown is one class. Monk 6(Way of the Kensei) It is with this class that he gains a flurry of attacks, the ability to buff the damage on his chosen weapon of shortsword, an acrobatic fighting style, and strong defensive abilities. This combination of class and feats is the best attempt to consolidate his abilities and talents at this level.

Monk 1 is the starting class for Rou. This gives him the skills of Stealth and Insight, Cook’s Utensils, Unarmored Defense, and Martial Arts.

Monk 2 gives him the ability to increase his number of attacks, defense, or movement via the two features of Ki and Unarmored Movement.

Monk 3 is where Rou gains an increase in power with the job features of Path of the Kensei and Deflect Missiles. With Path of the Kensei, he gains Calligrapher’s Supplies, Kensei Weapons of Dart and Shortsword, Agile Parry, and Kensei’s Shot.

Monk 4 grants him a feat and Slow Fall. For the Feat, I chose Athlete for Rou. This feat gives him a +1 to Dex as well as gives him a strong boost to his nimble fighting style.

Monk 5 gives him Extra Attack and Stunning Strike. At this level, Rou can now make a total of four attacks and possibly allow him to stun a foe with each hit that landed.

Monk 6 is the last level for Rou’s build. At this level, he gains Unarmored Movement, Ki-Empowered Strikes, One with the Blade, and another Kensei Weapon choice being the Longbow. Now he has a movement speed of 45 feet, his weapons counting as magical, the ability to increase a weapon’s damage by a Martial Arts die, and using a Longbow.

With full use of Rou’s powers he can perform the following techniques via spells and abilities:

Defeating multiple opponents with a shortsword.

This combination of feats, stats, and spells makes this DND build of Rou a reaping whirlwind of revenge in Six levels or Less.




Standard Monk equipment with a Shortsword and Darts. Eventually, picking up a Longbow to further increase his range of attack.

Shout out to for their amazing information in making this amazing character as well as DNDBeyond for its character creation platform. This will be my final build for the 7DS. My next series will be Kimetsu no Yaiba with the first character being Tanjiro Kamado! Until next week Tale-Tellers!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related