The PCs are hired to clear out a mysterious shrine located in the shadow of a volcanic caldera. The current inhabitants are led by a pair of twin Orog named Dublo and Kujo as they seek to take over the region with the stolen resources from the small towns in the area. What sinister series of adventures exist in The Warrens of Adamant Ruin?

This is a one-shot adventure for four level 1 PCs.

Six W’s

Who are the enemies in this One-Shot?

Gelatinous Cubes, Orcs, Half Ogres, Bugbears, Ogre Zombie, Orog, Traps.

What has happened to cause the PCs to fight?

The PCs were hired by a collective of forest towns in the area to clear out the twin Orog threat after a series of brutal raids by them. The current bounty is 500 GP, with the PCs being offered the found loot as additional payment for their services. A local woodsman named Grant Deluse will lead the party to the shrine in the woods as well as a rugged map that he created in his younger adventurous days.

If the PCs want to know about the secret history of this dungeon they would need to make a DC 12 History Check.

Where is this encounter happening?

This encounter is starting off on a disused hiking trail, deep in the forest, two miles west of the actual dungeon entrance. It is during this time that the PCs can ask the woodsmen various questions about the dungeon and the creatures that dwell within.

The entrance to the dungeon is on the northern side of the map. Various stone columns of various thicknesses protrude from the earth as a fifty-foot stairway leads down to an old heavy wooded door.

When did this happen?

The PCs were hired for this mission roughly two days ago. During this time the party will have ample time to gather supplies and prepare for their hike to this dungeon. Orog twins have been active in this area for the better part of two months.

Why are the PCs here?

The PCs are here to put a stop to the machinations of the Orog twins once and for all. It is here where the party will fight the full force of the Orog twin’s forces as well as where they keep their ill-gotten goods.

How will the PCs deal with this problem?

Once the PCs decide to head into the dungeon they will enter via the northern side of the map closest to Room 24. It is here where the PCs will encounter a stuck simple wooded door as well as their first real encounter involving an orc a half-ogre engaging in an arm-wrestling contest. After that, they will proceed east and encounter Kujo of the Orog twins enjoying a meal of mutton and mash.

During their battle through this dungeon, they will encounter all sorts of creatures that have a giant theme to their dispositions.

NPCs of Note

Kujo & Dublo- Twin Orogs who were born under a dark sign that would see these two rise to power via a mercenary lifestyle. Since then they have garnered enough forces to become a viable threat to the forested area. The two have set up their base in a shrine created by mind flayers. It is here where Dublo was infected by a hibernating mind flayer tadpole and has been displaying strange behavior. Since then the two have been on estranged terms and have spent more time apart than they did in the past.

Grant Deluse- A middle-aged half-elf male with brown hair and green eyes. He has spent 30 years exploring the various portions of this forest. As a young teen, he use to spelunk this very shrine, taking painstaking notes on the layout of this location.


The Warrens of Adamant Ruin (DM Map)

The Warrens of Adamant Ruin (PC Map)

Encounters & Treasure

Listed in the PDF


With the defeat of the Orog twins, the PCs will have neutralized a grave threat to this area. Once Dublo has been killed a strange squid-like tadpole will attempt to escape from his ear as it wiggles for a crack in the wall. Was this strange being controlling this orog and guiding him towards a more sinister purpose? It is up to the PCs to find out more about this entity but for now, the day has been saved.

Shoutouts as always to for being amazing resources in creating this one-shot adventure!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related