Galli Evenbrew was an orphan abandoned on the steps of a local church. Little did the community know that this church housed a secret sect that actively takes out evil spellcasters. As she grew up in the orphanage her powers manifested but rather than being killed she was instead initiated into the sect’s training to become one of their hunters. She trained in the healing arts to get close to her targets before taking them out quickly. Now she has taken her skills and training on the road to advance her sects goals in the guise of an adventurer.

Galli Evenbrew

Race: Variant Human +1 Dex, +1 Str, Skills, Feat

Stats (27- point buy)

Str 15 Dex 12 Con 12 Int 8 Wis 13 Cha 13 (base stats)

Str 16 Dex 13 Con 12 Int 8 Wis 14 Cha 13 (racial and feat adjustment)

The three things that I wanted to achieve with this build are:

  1. Infiltration Capabilities.
  2. Capable Mage Slayer.
  3. Arcane Assassin.


For the Race of this build, I went with Variant Human, With this race, she gains +1 to Dex and +1 Str, the skill of Stealth, the feat Mage Slayer, and the language of Draconic.


For Background, I chose Urban Bounty Hunter. This gives her the skills of Persuasion, Perception, the Tool Proficiencies of Thieves’ Tools and Playing Card Set, and the background feature of Ear to the Ground. Ear to the Ground gives her contacts and connections that she can leverage to find her next target.


For the Class makeup of this build, I went with a mix of Sorcerer 1 (Shadow Magic)/Monk 5 (Way of Mercy). With this combination of classes, she gains the ability to get close to her target with spells and skills, inflict heavy melee damage with magical support, and infiltration abilities that can aid any party.

Sorcerer 1 is the beginning of this build with the skills of Arcana, Deception, Spellcasting, Eyes of the Dark, and Strength of the Grave. Eyes of the Dark give her Darkvision of 120 feet while Strength of the Grave gifts her the ability to stay alive should she drop to 0 hp with a Cha saving throw.

Monk 1 is where Galli gains her martial skills from the cult that trained her. She gains Unarmored Defense and Martial Arts.

Monk 2 gifts her the abilities of Ki and Unarmored Movement. She can use Ki for a variety of effects while Unarmored Movement makes her walking speed 40 ft.

Monk 3 is where she picks up her path Way of Mercy. She gains Deflect Missiles, Implements of Mercy, Hand of Healing, and Harm. With Way of Mercy, she gains the skills of Insight and Medicine with the Herbalism Kit and special mask. She also can heal or harm a friend or foe using her ki points as well.

Monk 4 is where she gains the feat of Shadow Touched (Wis) and Slow Fall. Shadow Touched increases her Wisdom by 1, the Invisibility and Disguise Self spell.

Monk 5 is the last level of this build with Extra Attack and Stunning Strike.




Booming Blade

Fire Bolt


Mage Hand

1st Level

Absorb Elements



Standard Sorcerer equipment with a focus on a Spear, Daggers, and Crystal.

Character sheet from DND Beyond


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related