The PCs have arrived at the small, fortified city of Songburgh following a grueling caravan escort mission. As they stock up on supplies they overhear some of the townsfolk talking about a calamity that has befallen the town. A mysterious piper has led a large group of children away from the town and to a mountain cavern in the Pied mountain range. Can the PCs save the kids from the machinations of the piper in The Pied Halls of the Piper?

This is a one-shot adventure for four level 2 PCs.

Six W’s

Who are the enemies in this One-Shot?

Wererat, Xvarts, Rats, Ettercap, Giant Wolf Spider, Kobolds, Kobold Dragonshields, Kobold Traps, Gelatinous Cube, Goblins, Wolves.

What has happened to cause the PCs to fight?

The PCs have just arrived at Songburgh after a particularly trying escort mission of a large caravan group. Having had to fight off several goblin raids during their time has led them to need to restock for their next big adventure. Once they settle in they would notice a melancholic panic amongst the citizenry. With a DC 12 Persuasion check, they are able to glean enough information from the inhabitants to find out what has caused their dismay. It seems that the mayor was in need of ridding the town of the pestilence of rats that have been infesting the town for months. A piper dressed in a motley dress offered his services in exchange for gold. The mayor was desperate enough to accept the piper’s offer and with that, the piper cleared the streets of all rodents in the area. When the piper came back to collect his reward the mayor delayed his payment and then finally denied him. Having been made a fool of the piper used his talents to place a spell on a number of the children of the town and led them away to the Pied Mountains to the northwest of Songburgh. The people of the town want to ask the PCs for help but after the dealings of the mayor, they doubt anyone would willingly volunteer to recover them. If they confront the Mayor and attempt an Intimidate Check 14 or Persuasion 16 they can get Mayor Bram Songstrom to give them the piper’s payment as their own as well as find out the story behind his deal with Piper Tom.

If the PCs want to know about the history of this dungeon they would need to make a DC 12 History Check.

Where is this encounter happening?

This encounter is starting off in the walled city of Songburgh. It is known for its rich wheat harvest and amber ales that are sold throughout the land. The past three months have been a nightmare for the town as they endured a plague of rats that would not disperse despite the numerous methods used to get rid of them. The piper’s talents saved what was left of the grain harvest and spared the town from an unrecoverable loss.

The entrance to the dungeon is on the eastern side of the map. An old hiking trail leads to the very entrance of this cave. The dungeon is a two-hour walk from Songburgh.

When did this happen?

The PCs arrived in the town a full day after the piper enacted his revenge on the town.

Why are the PCs here?

The PCs are here initially to recover from their last mission involving a caravan escort mission to this town. After settling in and resupplying they notice the unease of the town members as well as the abundant lack of children running around the town square. Once they find out about the town’s plight they are heading up to The Pied Halls of the Piper.

How will the PCs deal with this problem?

Once the PCs decide to head into the dungeon they will enter via the eastern side of the map closest to Room 3. It is here where the PCs will enter a winding 100-foot tunnel of the natural stone flooring of this cave. The piper is located towards the back of the cavern in between Rooms 6 and 1. The children are kept in cages towards the back of Room 1. Once the Piper is encountered he will shift into his Wererat form, revealing his evil plan to the PCs as he engages them in melee combat.

During their battle through this dungeon, they will encounter all sorts of creatures that have a vermin bent about them.

NPCs of Note

Piper Tom- is a wiry human with long black scraggly hair, a scruffy goatee, and the motley clothing of a jester. He was originally a bard who was down on his luck before being infected by a wererat during a robbery. Ever since then he came up with the idea of using his talents as well as his new powers to make a living for himself. The goblin horde commanders have linked up with Piper Tom to use his antics to sow confusion amongst the lands of men. He was gifted with a pipe of suggestion and multiple potions of animal friendship in order to accomplish his goals. He stole the children due to the mayor and townsfolk denying him his payment. It is his hope that he will be able to make a considerable amount selling them into service to the goblin horde.

Mayor Bram Songstrom- a 50 something balding human male of squat physique and rotund features. He was at his wit’s end when Piper Tom showed up with his offer. He didn’t believe it when the piper did what others could not. He had set aside a coffer of 3,000 GP in trade bars to pay him but later regretted the deal due to how quickly the piper got rid of the problem. He felt on a whim that the piper caused this problem but could not figure out how he did it. With the piper taking his revenge the mayor is once again in a pickle and unsure of who can help him this time.


The Pied Halls of the Piper (DM Map)

The Pied Halls of the Piper (PC Map)

Town Songburgh

Encounters & Treasure

Listed in the PDF


With the defeat of Piper Tom and the rescue of the children of Songsburgh, the town square will erupt in cheers and adoration for the PCs. It is here where the PCs can spill the beans on Piper Tom’s plans as well as collect their just reward for their great deeds. Mayor Songstrom will be hard-pressed to resist whatever the PCs request as a fitting reward. (Advantage on Persuasion and Intimidate checks to get the reward and more information)

Shoutouts as always to and for being amazing resources in creating this one-shot adventure!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related