Sariel is a powerful member of the goddess race, one of the four Archangels, and a commander of Stigma. He was gifted the grace of Tornado by the Supreme Deity and he uses its buffeting winds to great effect. Sariel is a confidant in his own abilities as well as having an honorable disposition when it comes to keeping his word. He is normally seen working with Tarmiel as they battle against the Ten Commandments and the demon clan in general. Though currently inhabiting the body of a young female bard named Solaseed, he still maintains the vast destructive power of a category five tornado.

Sariel Stats

Str 8 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 12 Cha 14 (27 point buy)

Str 8 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 13 Cha 16 (after racial and feat mod)

Class Sorcerer 6 (Storm Sorcery)

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. Whipping Wild Winds.
  2. Protected by the Vortex.
  3. Power of an Archangel.


For Background, I chose Entertainer for Sariel. He gains the Skill Proficiencies of Acrobatics, Performance, the Tool Proficiency of Disguise Kit and Lute, and the Background Feature of By Popular Demand. By Popular Demand gives him the ability to find a place to perform as well as free lodging and food for a night’s work.


For the race, I chose Protector Aasimar for him. With this race, he gains Darkvision, Celestial Resistance, Healing Hands, Light Bearer, and Radiant Soul. Radiant Soul is where Sariel will be able to manifest his wings for extended levels of flight along with extra radiant damage with either a melee attack or spell.


Sariel’s class breakdown is pretty straightforward with one class, Sorcerer 6(Storm Sorcery) It is with this class that he gains multiple class features related to becoming the very heart of the storm. He gains numerous wind-related spells, built-in limited flight potential, and control of the winds and rains in the area around you. This combination of classes is the best attempt to consolidate his abilities and talents at this level.

Sorcerer 1 is the starting class for Sariel. This gives him the skills of Insight and Persuasion, Spellcasting, Wind Speaker, and Tempestuous Magic. With Tempestuous Magic he gains the ability of limited flight whenever he cast a spell of 1st level or higher.

Sorcerer 2 gives him the class feature of Font of Magic. This is where Sariel gains the ability to give himself more spell slots at the cost of Sorcery Points and vice versa.

Sorcerer 3 is where he gets the ability to enhance his spells in subtle ways with Metamagic. For Sariel, I chose Quickened Spell and Distant Spell. This gives him the ability to cast a 1st level or higher spell and a cantrip in a round or increase the range of any spell in his arsenal.

Sorcerer 4 is the level that grants him a feat. The feat I went with was Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Cha). This gives him the cure wounds spell as well as the ability to use his reaction for an AC to himself and those around him based on his proficiency bonus. Essentially using the winds to protect himself from the blows of his opponents.

Sorcerer 5 grants Sariel 3rd level spells. Now he gains access to heavy-hitting spells like Lightning Bolt and Fireball.

Sorcerer 6 is the last level for this build with two key class features, Heart of the Storm and Storm Guide. With Heart of the Storm, he gains resistance to thunder and lightning damage, and the ability to cause additional damage to a foe within 10 feet of himself when he cast a 1st level or higher spell. Storm Guide allows him to keep himself from being rained on in a 20-foot radius sphere as well as control the winds in a 100-foot radius as a bonus action. Now he is the very vortex of the tornado.

With full use of Sariel’s powers he can perform the following techniques via spells and abilities:

Omega Ark- Radiant Soul + Fireball

Spiteful Saint- Magic Missile

Cleaving Sickle Wind- Sword Burst

Enlil’s Divine Punishment- Dust Devil + Lightning Bolt + Radiant Soul + Tarmiel’s Contribution

This combination of feats, stats, and spells makes this DND build of Sariel a swirling storm of ferocious power in Six levels or Less.






Blade Ward


Mage Hand

Ray of Frost

Sword Burst

1st Level

Mage Armor

Magic Missile

2nd Level

Dust Devil

Gust of Wind

Warding Wind

3rd Level


Lightning Bolt


Standard Sorcerer equipment with a Sickle and Daggers,

Shout out to for the amazing information in making this amazing character as well as DNDBeyond for its character creation platform. My next build will be Tamriel of the Four Archangels! Until next week Tale-Tellers!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related