The PCs have just arrived at the small coastal city of Mily Port to gather supplies as they pass through to the next adventurer. While enjoying the tavern nightlife the waitress will slip the PCs a note on their table. The town’s folk are asking for their aid in freeing the town from the influence of the snake people in the old fort. With the weight of an entire town on their shoulders can the PCs liberate the small town before Yuan-Ti sacrifice more souls.

This is a one-shot adventure for four level 6 PCs.

Six W’s

Who are the enemies in this One Shot?

Traps, Yuan-tis, Driders, Mimics, Ropers, Piercer, Spectator, Nothic, Star Spawn Mangler, Star Spawn Grue

What has happened to cause the PCs to fight?

The PCs have been asked to free the lives of Mily Port from under the thumb of a particularly sadistic yuan-ti group known as the “Bed of Lies”. The town has had to “contribute” two members of their town every fortnight. The people of Mily Port have reached their limits and noticed the experienced look of the players as steely-eyed adventurers.

If the PCs want to know more about the climate of the town they can make a DC 15 Persuasion check to try and gather more information, A roll of 10-14 gives the player a feeling of unease from the citizenry but no one wants to discuss it further.

If the PCs want to know about the history of this dungeon they would need to make either a DC 13 History check.

Where is this encounter happening?

This encounter is starting off in the Miller’s Daughter Tavern and Inn in the coastal town of Mily Port. The town is known for its scrimshaw store and its famous weavers. The people are traditional sailors and farmers. This area is known for it prevalence of poisonous water snakes.

The entrance into The Tunnels of Motha is south on the map. The opening is ivy and moss-covered entrance crafted into the side of a mountain. The entrance has epitaphs of snake tails flowing into the darkness.

When did this happen?

The PCs are asked to save the town a day into their arrival at the Mily Port. The town has been suffering under the constricting influence of Bed of Lies for three months. The next selection for the sacrifices is three days away.

Why are the PCs here?

The PCs are here because they were traveling through the area to restock and supply from their latest adventure.

How will the PCs deal with this problem?

Once the PCs agree to free the town from BOL, Milly the waitress will lead the party into a chamber underneath the bar. This chamber used to be an old smuggler’s tunnel that was collapsed when the sea wall was instituted along the docks. It is here where members of the town will explain their situations. The town was slowly infiltrated by Yuan-Ti members over two years ago when the former mayor was suddenly married to an exotic foreign woman. Since then new travelers began to flow into the town and gain prominence on the town council. The members gathered in this chamber are all older inhabitants with deep roots in the town. They offer the PCs 1,000 GP each in various coinage and gems as well as a few healing potions of the greater variety to aid in helping them.

From there the PCs are lead through a separate tunnel that leads outside of the town. Milly will give them a map to the as well as a map of the temple woven in the cloth of a blanket.

From there the PCs will travel along the shoreline northwest until they reach mountains which is half a night’s travel. From there the PCs will assault The Tunnels of Motha.

NPCs of Note

Milly De’Lance- A young half-elven maiden with brown hair and piercing green eyes. Her mother was already sacrificed to these monsters and she fears that her baby brother might be next. She is an accomplished weaver and started this resistance two months after her mother’s selection.

Natalassha- A particularly sadistic nightmare speaker, she has done all she can to follow the will of Dendar the Night Serpent. She has long red hair and dark brown eyes that shine with the light of madness. She has been engineering her own cabal for the Night Serpent for three years and only now can she see the end in sight.


Town Mily Port Port&greens=1&farms=1&citadel=0&urban_castle=0&plaza=1&temple=0&walls=0&shantytown=1&coast=1&river=0&gates=2&sea=0.5

The Tunnels of Motha

DM Map

Encounters & Treasure

Listed in the PDF


With the defeat Natalassha and her cabal, The Tunnels of Motha has been cleared and the town is now no longer be under the thumb of The Bed of Lies. Though the sacrificed members of the town are dead their remains can now be retrieved and given a proper burial. The PCs will be lauded with praise and given a hero’s welcome. The collaborators for BOL have been rounded up and dealt with while the PCs were out on their mission and the rumbles of Milly being named mayor are on every person’s tongue.

Shout outs as always to and for being amazing resources in creating this one-shot adventure!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related