Scyan the Sinister is a young black dragon who has been carving out her domain one small city at a town. Using her might, cunning and resources she has gathered around herself a potent force of marauders to help her tackle any who oppose her. Now she has the river town of Rabgate in her sights. Can a visiting band of heroes stop her evil designs?

This is a one-shot adventure for four level 6 PCs.

Six W’s

Who are the enemies in this One Shot?

Sahaugin, black dragon wyrmling, Young Black Dragon, Kuo-toa, lizardfolk, wraith, kobold, bullywug, zombies, traps

What has happened to cause the PCs to fight?

The PCs are restocking their supplies in the riverside town of Rabgate when they begin to hear rumors and rumblings of a black dragon in the area. With a DC 12 persuasion check the inhabitants will make the players aware of Scyan the Sinister taking over similar riverside towns and forcing them to send tribute or risk destruction at her claws.

Where is this encounter happening?

This encounter is starting off in the riverside town of Rabgate. It is an up-and-coming town known for its gambling competitions and rich culinary traditions. The citizens of Rabgate have been hearing rumors of villages further to the south coming under the sway of a dark force, but never thought it was a black dragon’s threat. A group of black scaled lizardmen slaughtered the town’s guards and demanded a crushing tithe from the town or else. Rabgate has been paying 40 percent of their goods and income for the better part of two weeks yet the dragon has demanded more in the next week. A young hunter was able to follow the lizardmen to their lair, but with the lair under heavy guard, there was no hope in defeating them. That is until the PCs arrived in town the other day.

From there the adventure takes the players through The Dark Vaults of Malice. It was originally created by a fabled seal elf ranger who sought to defend this delta from the evil monsters that lingered in the seas. Eventually, an insidious plague killed off the defenders and this now abandoned underground fortress was adopted by a young wyrmling black dragon. The dungeon is three days south of the small town. The PCs will need to travel through a 100-foot underwater tunnel to reach the north entrance of the dungeon.

When did this happen?

The PCs are made aware of the town’s dire straits when three black-scaled lizardfolk make their way through town to inform the mayor of the new rates. This happens a day or two after the PCs arrive,

Why are the PCs here?

The PCs are here to restock their supplies, participate in the monthly gambling competitions and enjoy the fabled seafood of the town.

How will the PCs deal with this problem?

The PCs will deal with this problem by investigating the problem. Through their persuasion checks and interviewing the various townsfolk, they find out about the massive problem that is plaguing the small riverside town. From there they meet up with the young hunter who can lead the party to the entrance of the dungeon as well as give them the information on the various creatures that the young hunter saw coming out of the underground entrance. From there the PCs will begin their assault on the dungeon and seek to dethrone Scyan the Sinister once and for all.

NPCs of Note

Mayor Tildus Fathorn- a middle-aged aquatic half-elf male of husky frame and middling personality. He is the great-grandson of the fabled ranger who founded the dungeon now in the clutches of Scyan the Sinister. He wants to live up to his family’s legacy but is too fearful due to the carnage caused by their initial assault on the town.

Young Hunter Tilly- a teenage water genasi with lavender hair, jade green skin, and blue eyes who is looking for revenge against the Scyan. Her father, Josias Tilber, was one of the town guards who died during the initial assault of Scyan’s forces. She tracked them back to their lair and spent time gathering her intel in order to get the other members of the town to rise up against the dragon. Unfortunately, no one has any fight left in them. The PCs represent her only hope in order to defeat Scyan. Lvl 1 Ranger.

Scyan the Sinister- a young black dragon looking to expand her lot in life through the small forces that she has gathered in a century of life. She is ruthless, cunning, braggadocious and most of all ambitious. Now she has the financially enticing Rabgate in her sights.


The Dark Vaults of Malice

DM Map
PC Map


Encounters & Treasure

Listed in the PDF


With the defeat of Scyan the Sinister and her foul forces, Rabgate will be freed from her foul expansion plans and Tilly will have her revenge for her father being killed on that horrible day. In celebration the town will hold their gambling events and have the PCs as the honored guests of the events

Shoutouts as always to and for being amazing resources in creating this one-shot adventure!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related