A powerful Medusa was defeated by powerful heroes and contained her remains inside of a large Fabergé egg, left on a raised dais, sealed to the outside world. Time, war, and fate have all conspired to free her remains from its confinement. From her parts, the first Kruthik’s are formed and swarm out to reclaim her fallen lands and wreck havoc on the surrounding villages. Will the PCs have what it takes to finish off this looming threat?

This is a one-shot adventure for four level 6 PCs.

Six W’s

Who are the enemies in this One Shot?

Kruthik Hive Lord, Adult Kruthik, Young Kruthik, Magma Mephit

What has happened to cause the PCs to fight?

The PCs are traveling along the roadway when they overhear a group of travelers conversing about the rumors of strange creatures spewing out of a nearby shrine. One of the men in the group mentions how a group of soldiers were out exploring the area but haven’t been seen since. When the PCs question the group they will mention that it was an old shrine that has long since fallen into disuse.

Where is this encounter happening?

This encounter is starting off on a long dirt road in the heartland of the country. The PCs are traveling to a capital city after finishing up their latest quest. Once they learn of this shrine in the forest the PCs will head to a heavily forested area where they will find the ruined shrine. The PCs would enter through the stairway next to room 4 to the east. After exploring the PCs would enter the second part of the dungeon at the descending stairwell next to room 5.

From there the adventure takes the players through the map of the Gauntlet of Fiendish Devastation. The PCs will be hit by the sweltering heat of the cavernous dungeon as they battle their way through this cave.

When did this happen?

The PCs are made aware of this shrine at noon while traveling on the road. The Kruthik have been terrorizing the area for over a week.

Why are the PCs here?

The PCs are here to explore the dilapidated shrine and defeat the evil that is spewing from the heart of the dungeon.

How will the PCs deal with this problem?

The PCs will deal with this problem by defeating the Kruthik infestation that has spawned from the body parts of the Medusa. Once the party travels down the stairs they are met with the heat of the active lava flow that winds through the cavernous dungeon. Once the party reaches room 10 is where they will square off against the Kruthik Hive Lord in the third encounter. If the PCs make a perception while in the room they will notice the head of the Medusa faces the wall. If they can grab her head they can then use it as a weapon against the Kruthik threat. In order to stop Medusa’s curse, her head must be thrown into the lava flow. This will cause the remaining Kruthik’s to explode as the shrine quakes and fills with overflowing lava.

NPCs of Note

Heiktosa the Medusa- She was a powerful Queen whose pride led her to be cursed into becoming a Medusa by the hermit keeper of the shrine. After multiple centuries her evil was defeated by a group of powerful heroes. Her remains were enshrined in a magical Fabergé egg and bound with powerful spells to keep her from being rereleased. Over the millennium the spells began to fade, further weakened by evil outside forces until her remains were set free.


Shrine Topside

The Gauntlet of Fiendish Devastation

Encounters & Treasure

Corpse of Creation: Level One Greeting-


Corpse of Creation: Level Two Full Court Press-


Corpse of Creation: Level Three End of the Line-



With the final defeat of Heiktosa, the shrine’s purpose will come to its end and the lava will begin to destroy what’s left. The PCs will race through the cave and out of the shrine before the now active volcano envelopes the area.

Shoutouts as always to https://donjon.bin.sh/5e/dungeon/ for being an amazing resource in creating this one-shot adventure!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related