The daughter of a Baron Darlington has been captured from her carriage on the road to the bustling city of Griffinrain. While the PCs are in town, the town crier proclaims the kidnapping to a gathering crowd. Why was Lady Eliza captured? What do the Xvart have in mind for her? It is left to the PCs to solve the problem and save the day.

This is a one-shot adventure for four level 4 PCs.

Six W’s

Who are the enemies in this One Shot?

Xvart Warlock, Giant Rats, Xvart, Ettercap, Giant Wolf Spider, Choldrith, Chitine, Goblins, Goblin Boss, Cave Fisher

What has happened to cause the PCs to fight?

The PCs are stopping in the city of Griffinrain to gather supplies and check out the local flavor when the town crier makes them aware of what has transpired. A band of goblins supported by an xvart warlock have successfully waylaid Lady Eliza’s carriage and have taken her captive. A reward of 1,000 GP has been placed on the safe return of Lady Eliza.

Where is this encounter happening?

This encounter is starting off in the large city of Griffinrain. It is a large city with a bustling marketplace and the home city of Baron Byron Darlington. This is where the PCs can start to gather supplies for their next big adventure before they overhear the Town Crier about the abducted Lady Eliza.

From there the adventure takes them to a forest cave that has a partial entrance to the Underdark. The Dreaded Catacombs of Ulsus the Malevolent was a former hobgoblin supply cache made from the ruins of an old lava tube. This cavernous dungeon was reclaimed by xvart who teamed up with a local goblin clan to hunt treasure and sow mischief.

When did this happen?

The PCs are made aware of this kidnapping half a day after arriving in the town. The xvart/goblin team-up has been rumbling in the background for over a month, but this latest episode is completely out of the blue.

Why are the PCs here?

The PCs are here to assail the dungeon, save Lady Eliza, and crushed the evil plots of the xvart/goblin coalition.

How will the PCs deal with this problem?

The players are made aware of the kidnapping of Lady Eliza by the town crier as well as the location of the attack. Once the PCs make their way to the battlefield they will be able to examine the destruction. All of her guards have been shot by arrows or fried by fire magic. The carriage itself has been partially destroyed and left ramshackle by the assault. A DC 12 survival check will allow the PCs to track the group to the dungeon.

From there the PCs will reach the small-sized entrance of The Dreaded Catacombs of Ulsus the Malevolent. They will need to squeeze through the small size entrance for over 100 feet before they reach the actual entrance proper. From there the party will be assaulted by various denizens of the Underdark and goblin host as the Xvart Warlock constantly taunts them with insults while peppering them with arrows and spells.

NPCs of Note

Lady Eliza- She is an attractive high half-elf with the rare gift of foresight. She is capable of not only seeing fate but at times altering its threads to some extent (LVL 4 diviner with the luck feat). She has been captured by the Xvart warlock Xanort for some nefarious purpose but she remains hopeful that heroes will appear to save her.

Baron Caspian Darlington- A well-seasoned general of the Crisian wars who was gifted the town of Griffinrain. He is a high elf in his third century who has served the current royal family for over a century. His daughter is a beloved fixture in his life and will pay a large sum for her safe rescue.

Xanort the Xvart Warlock- A typical member of his wretched race, he possesses innate cunning and fondness for rare magical items in this world. He has recently encountered a magical device that will allow him to pass on his essence to a living being. In essence, he has learned to overcome his races’ hindrance to reproduce in a sense. He has fallen maddening in love with Lady Eliza and seeks to use her as a conduit to transcend his xvart form. Once he takes care of these pesky invaders he will enact his plan.


Town Griffinrain-

The Dreaded Catacombs of Ulsus the Malevolent-

PC Map

Encounters & Treasure

Listed in the PDF


With the defeat of Xanort, Lady Eliza will be thrilled and express her deepest gratitude to her rescuers and make them aware of the defeated xvart’s plan. Once they return Baron Darlington will be overjoyed with the return of his beloved daughter and will offer the PCs possible boons and titles in his land.

Shoutouts as always to and for being amazing resources in creating this one-shot adventure!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related