The PCs are traveling through a small swamp town when an alarm is sounded. A Troll is leading a Warband of Bullywugs and Giant toads in attacking the town. Can the players survive this onslaught while keeping the residents safe?

This is a one-shot adventure for four level 6 PCs.

Six W’s

Who are the enemies in this One-Shot?

Venom Troll, Bullwugs, Giant Toads

What has happened to cause the PCs to fight?

The PCs are traveling through the small swamp town of Blackcanyon to resupply when an alarm is sounded. They are greeted with the strange sight of a Bullywug king midstride behind a Venom Troll as they begin their assault on the town.

Where is this encounter happening?

This encounter is starting off in the tiny swamp town of Blackcanyon. It is a town known for its favorable soups, hardy people, and the last bastion of civilization before you head off into the wilds. Most swamp threats are deterred by the local guard and some of the more roguish citizenry, that is until today.

When did this happen?

The PCs are thrust into this predicament shortly after arriving at the town. If the PCs are not intending on taking a long rest in Blackcanyon then the battle would start an hour after they finished resupplying. If not the attack starts right after they finish up at the tavern.

Baron Blugkuk has been planning his assault on this town for four days. Once he found the wand of dominate monster he sent his Warband to track down the nastiest troll they could find to use as his new champion.

Why are the PCs here?

The PCs are here to either sightseeing at this swamp town, gather supplies, or as a rest stop before they head to a bigger adventure.

How will the PCs deal with this problem?

The players are thrust in media res style into the heart of the tension as alarms are sounded and bounding groups of invaders start to attack the bewildered defenders of the town. If the PCs leave then this town will surely fall, along with most of its 400 residents.

The initial skirmishers are attempting to cause as much damage and death as they can to impress the Baron. His former champion, Knight Ligkbuk von Lilly is attempting to win back his old position from the troll by delivering this town in one fell swoop. Though he has fallen on dire straights he still holds to chivalry and openly challenges any foe strong enough to a duel of honor. He will not stop his soldiers from doing their duties, however.

Once the knight is defeated the flabbergasted Baron will send in his ace in the hole and have the troll lay waste to anyone that stands in his way. With this finicky magical wand he has to be within 70 feet of the troll to maintain control but every 1d8 rounds the wand shorts and the troll will either stand still or attempt to grab the Baron. The reason why the Baron has attendants is so they grab them and not himself. If the party can either separate the wand from the Baron or defeat his guards to get to him. Then the troll may become an ally, at least as far as not actively fighting the party is concerned.

NPCs of Note

Knight Lighkbuk Von Lilly- The former champion of Baron Blugkuk. He was hopeful to lead the Warband into a more dedicated fighting force with the ideals of chivalry but those dreams were dashed by the Baron’s new toy. Now he seeks glory in order to change the Baron’s mind and regain is former position.

Baron Blugkuk- A large Bullywug with a crudely made but fashionable crown. He was gifted with a strange magical device by a pair of visitors that came to his abode two weeks ago. The dark skinned elves presented him with a prize in order to pass through his lands unabated and pointed him in the direction of a powerful creature to test the device with. Drunk with this new found power he tested its power and after losing multiple people were able to use the device effectively. As long as the beast is not in combat the device works well enough but once in combat, it has a tendency to malfunction. The Baron’s great idea was to create an honor guard to shield him from the Troll’s wrath when he does come to his senses.


Town Blackcanyon-

Encounters & Treasure

Black Hearts and Blue Bloods: Wave 1-

Black Hearts and Blue Bloods: Wave Final-


Once the wand is destroyed or taken from the Baron the Troll will break from his control and begin to tear into what is left of the Warband as it makes its escape back to the swamp. The mystery behind where the Baron got this device will still persist as well as the two visitors to his swampy abode will still linger.

Shoutouts as always to and for being amazing resources in creating this one-shot adventure!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related