The PCs have been hand-picked by a young local sheriff to clear out a cavern of orcs, ogres, and goblinoids in order to keep them from attacking the town. The sheriff adds a caveat asking that they bring in the hobgoblin captain alive at all cost. He even offers a vast sum to ensure that they do. Clearing a dungeon is all in a day’s work for the PCs but bringing back a captive is something else. Someone works behind the scenes awaiting a prize greater than any sum of money in this adventure.

This is a one-shot adventure for four level 6 PCs.

Six W’s

Who are the enemies in this One-Shot?

Traps, Ogres, Goblins, Orcs, Drider, Hobgoblins, Piercer, Roper, Barghest

What has happened to cause the PCs to fight?

The PCs are approached by Bartholomew Clint, the young sheriff of the Dustlion. He approaches the PCs with a proposition to clear out a looming danger two days to the northeast. Sheriff Clint is offering 850 GP to each PC to accept the mission but he adds a caveat of 3000 GP to bring a Hobgoblin Captain back in chains alive.

If the PCs inquire further they will be told that they have a spy that has told them that this Hobgoblin Captain has information that could aid in saving countless lives. The PCs could attempt an Insight DC 20 check to sense the sheriff is hiding information from them. If they push back he will express his need for them to accept this mission and will offer an additional 300 GP to sweeten the pot.

What the PCs do not know is that the sheriff has a deal with a Barghest. If they bring him strong goblin souls then he rewards them with weapons, arms, and gems taken from the goblinoid army’s caches.

Where is this encounter happening?

This encounter is starting off in the small farming town of Dustlion. Despite being a small town the sheriff’s office is well funded with the lowest member being well-armed and armored. Sheriff Bartholomew Clint is a 19-year-old human male who approaches the party while they are either at the tavern or out shopping for supplies.

The dungeon, The Temple of Sunless Devastation, is an old dwarven stronghold that was wiped out by a plague. Since then denizens of the Underdark and various conquerors have used this cavernous dungeon as their base of operations.

The dungeon is entered through the southeastern portion after clearing out some rocks that block the entrance. The PCs, with a DC 15 perception check will notice wolf claw marks on some of the rocks as well as tracks that lead away from the hidden entrance.

When did this happen?

The PCs are offered this job a day after they arrived in town. The Sheriff’s lucrative deal with the Barghest was created over four months ago.

Why are the PCs here?

The PCs are being offered a generous sum of gold to perform a heroic act and save people who are in imminent threat of being attacked by a fierce force of foes two days the northeast. There is also a sinister force that is behind the scenes, manipulating an entire town with its machinations.

How will the PCs deal with this problem?

Once the PCs are offered the quest and accept, Sheriff Clint will give the PCs their funds and then offer them a 10% discount on the equipment in town. While in town they can ask about life in Dustlion and the events behind the goblin encampment to the north. If they seek to learn more about the spy they will run into multiple roadblocks and be frustrated at every turn until they complete the mission.

From there the PCs will northeast for two days until they reach the cave. If the DM wants they can have a roving band of goblinoids patrolling the area.

NPCs of Note

Sheriff Bartholomew Clint- He is a lanky 19-year-old human male with a patchy blonde beard and brown eyes. He is the son of a bard who abandoned his mother and him in the town when he was 4 years old. His mother died when he was 9 and he grew up as an urchin on the streets of Dustlion. He eventually joined the town guard and during a harrowing raid of the town by goblins he met a wolf-like creature that saved his life. Dalion the Barghest offered to help him ascend the ranks in exchange for bringing him strong souls of goblins. Since then the guard has increased in both funding and status as the goblin raids have lessened over time.

Hobgoblin Captain Delox- Is the latest commander station here in this base by the goblinoid host. He is attempting to beat back the denizens of the Underdark sneaking into the dungeon and trying to find out why each of the leaders stationed in this area has been captured.

Dalion the Barghest- is a cunning female fiend who is seeking to garner the seventeen souls necessary to secure herself a place in Gehenna. She is currently at her sixteenth soul and needs one more to meet her quota. She has made a pact with Sheriff Clint in order to secure a pipeline of souls without having to risk her own skin. She has layered every trick she has at her disposal to help Bartholomew ascend to Sheriff of this town and has a general level of trust in him keeping up his agreement.


Town Dustlion-

The Temple of Sunless Devastation-

PC Map

Encounters & Treasure

Listed in the PDF

Optional fight-

Claws and Issuance Sheriff and Fiend-


With the dungeon being cleared out, the hobgoblin captain being captured and the treasure being distributed, Sheriff Clint will thank the party profusely and will work to get them out of town as quickly as possible while Dalion enjoys her meal. If the party interferes, Sheriff Clint will actively seek to delay them from reaching the jailhouse.

Shoutouts as always to and for being amazing resources in creating this one-shot adventure!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related