The PCs have been offered a peculiar job from a unique client. An Azer by the name of Ustur is requesting aid in retrieving the glowing ember of his daughter’s soul. It was taken and placed inside of a metallic urn by a quartet of barbed devils to power the dungeon. The dungeon is being used to breed an army of Firenewts and other fire inclined creatures to assault the nearby towns. Can the players beat the heat to save a soul from burning out? Welcome to The Gauntlet of Eldritch Souls

This is a one shot adventure for four level 6 PCs.

Six W’s

Who are the enemies in this One Shot?

Red Dragon Wyrmling, Magma Mephit, Barbed Devil, Half-Red Dragon Veteran, Kobold Dragonshield, 8 Kobolds, Firenewt Warlock of Imix, Firenewt Warrior, Giant Strider, Traps

What has happened to cause the PCs to fight?

The PCs are being hired to help save the soul of Ustur’s adoptive daughter Loka that was stolen by the barbed devils from the plane of fire. He is offering the party either 3,000 GP in gems each or his skills of magic weapon creating. While her body was being reforged and her soul was kept sealed in a sapphire gem, the barbed devils assaulted Ustur’s workshop and stole Loka’s soul to the prime material.

The Quartet, as they call themselves, were seeking to power a device in this dungeon that will course supernatural heat throughout it. This heat will be a boon for incubating their firenewt army quickly.

Where is this encounter happening?

This encounter is starting off in the small coastal city of Darkshaw. A rising sea trading town of 1300 souls who are keen on their trade routes importance and the wealth that it provides the city. From there the party will travel northwest to the base of a ruined keep.

The dungeon, The Gauntlet of Eldritch Souls, is a demonic corrupted iron shod heat box designed to concentrate as much heat as possible. Due to the nature of this dungeon the environment is featured with Extreme Heat that causes fire damage per hour and a DC 15 Con save to avoid a level of exhaustion.

The dungeon is entered through the southern entrance.

When did this happen?

The PCs are offered this quest a month after the events that happened in the plane of fire. The quartet has been modifying the former dwarven dungeon for that entire time. The players have spent two days in Darkshaw, exploring the town’s various shops and taverns.

Why are the PCs here?

The PCs are being offered a contract to help Ushur rescue Loka’s soul. He will relate his initial failure in attempting to rescue her but was fought back by the monsters that have flocked to this demonic furnace. He will make the players aware of the conditions and note that they should look for items to help beat the heat.

How will the PCs deal with this problem?

Once the PCs are offered the quest and accept, he will give each player a 800 GP retainer. Once the players have stocked up on supplies they will head two days to the northwest to the abandoned keep in the cleft of a dark mountain side. Ustur will accompany the players and keep the entrance way clear for them so no one attacks them from behind.

Once the PCs reach the dungeon their main quest is to grab the steel receptacle that houses Loka’s soul which is in Room #5. The stairway leads down into the mechanical parts of the machine. If the party wants to clear out the dungeon they are more than welcome to do so, but all Ustur cares about is her soul.

NPCs of Note

Ustur- Is a five century old Azer with his race’s fiery facial hair. He has traveled a long way and has invested much in order to save his adoptive daughter’s soul. He tried to save her himself but was beaten back by the forces that dwell in the dungeon. He is a master craftsman and can produce a wide armament of arms and armaments should the party choose that action.

The Quartet- Four ambitious Barbed Devils have decided to pool their collective resources in order to produce an army on the prime material plane so they can use that army for future ambitions. Each one refers to themselves as a number as their name.


Town Darkshaw

The Gauntlet of Eldritch Souls

DM Map
PC Map

Encounters & Treasure

Listed in the PDF


With the removal of the iron containment shell the dungeon will immediately cool and cause the dungeon to begin to malfunction. The dungeon will begin to vent steam and magical energy, growing more violent as the rounds go on until it explodes in ten rounds. Ustur will be grateful for the party’s aid and will offer either his services or pay as the party chooses.

Shout outs as always to and for being amazing resources in creating this one shot adventure!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related