The PCs, while at a tavern or at a guild hall, are notified by the yellings of a Town Crier about the activities of a viscious gnoll group. The gnolls have recently attacked a homestead and have taken a family of 8. The sherif of the town of Breeley has quickly offered a reward of 15 GP per gnoll ear as well as 20 GP per person rescused.

This is a one shot adventure for four level 3 PCs.

Six W’s

Who are the enemies in this One Shot?

Trap, Gnolls of all Sorts, Hyenas, Thas’kol Gnoll Fang of Yeenoghu

What has happened to cause the PCs to fight?

The PCs are alerted to the adventure through the Breeley Town Crier. Once they get the information the group will be directed to the sherif of Breeley’s office at the southway gate. If the PCs which to know why the reward was enacted so quickly, then Sherif Balor Greene would be persuaded with a DC 12 persuasion check to tell them. Its his younger brother’s family and he is personally invested in seeing that they they are rescued as quickly as possible. After the PCs get the information he would share that they found three bodies on the homestead in various parts.

Where is this encounter happening?

This encounter is starting off in the walled farming town of Breeley. This town is a small yet indrustrious that specializes in wine vineyards and delicate cheeses. When the PCs are made aware of the quest, Sherif Greene will tell the party that they were last spotted heading towards an abandoned cave to the north called The Labyrinth of Lord Greywulf (DC 15 History to get the background for the cave).

The cave is entered in through the southern entrance.

When did this happen?

The PCs find out about this roughly a few hours after they have settled into the town. The travel to get to the cave is an hour on a general walk or thirty minutes on a quicker march.

Why are the PCs here?

The PCs are here to pass through onto a new adventure or are can be a starting town for the party as well.

How will the PCs deal with this problem?

Once the PCs receive their official writ to act on behalf of the sherif of Breeley. They are empowered to completely pacify the gnolls. Any and all treasure will be theirs to use and do as they see fit. The party will then make their way to the caven where they will interact with denizens of the cave itself.

NPCs of Note

Sherif Balor Greene- middle son of Jonas Greene, a well known homesteader of Breeley. While Balor was not one for farming life, he still loved his town and sought to stay close to the area. He started out as a guard and eventually worked his way up to Sheriff. He is a middle aged human male with dark brown hair, a handle bar mustache and grey piercing eyes. He is the older brother of the homesteader who’s family was taken by gnolls. His brother is named Johaan.

Thas’kol Gnoll Fang of Yeenoghu- Recently came to power amongst the gnolls of greywulf after defeating the previous pack leader in armed combat. He then turned him into his own personal witherling. Cold and calculating, he knew there attack on the homesteaders would draw some kind of attention but needed his pack fed for their next big operation.


Town Breeley

The Labyrinth of Lord Greywulf

DM map
PC Map

Encounters & Treasure

Listed in the PDF as far locations

Gnollification Room 5

Gnollification Room 4

Gnollification Room 3


With the defeat of the denizens of the The Labyrinth of Lord Greywulf and the rescue of the survivors, the party will be thanked profusely by the Sheriff. Johaan Greene along with his daughter Abigal and young son Daniel are those that have the potential of surviving, depending on how the adventure plays out.

Shout outs as always to and for being amazing resources in creating this one shot adventure!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related