The PCs, while in a local tavern, overhear a group of sailor’s talking about a cursed cavern that holds the treasures of a notorious pirate. The cavern is guarded by the spirit of Sebastian Cavana, but has allowed a group of Sahuagin raiders and other nefarious forces to act as protectors of his treasure. Will the PCs gather the goods of the late captain or join his crew in the afterlife.

This is a one shot adventure for four level 4 PCs.

Six W’s

Who are the enemies in this One Shot?

Kobolds, Lizardfolk, Sahuagin, Kuo-toa, Gelatinous Cube, Black Dragon Wyrmling, Wraith, Specter, Traps

What has happened to cause the PCs to fight?

The PCs overhear a rowdy group of sailors yammering about the life and times of one Sebastian Cavana, notorious and successful pirate. They go on about how much loot he gathered and the possible location of his now haunted and monster infested cove. If the PCs jump in on their conversation, the sailors will start to close up unless either bribed with a round of drinks or persuaded to spill their guts on the subject. Once they give the PCs the information they will hand them a makeshift map outline where the cove is but not much beyond that. The sailor’s will mention a shifty group of bullywugs being spotted on the outsides of the cove.

Where is this encounter happening?

This encounter is starting off in the bustling sea side town of Oant. From there the party will travel to a secluded cove, just north of the town, called Terror Cavana. This cove has become the hideout for various monstrous elements of the deep.

The cove was originally created by a demonic cult called the Scaled Defacers that was eventually decimated by unknown assailants. The last conqueror of this cove was the late pirate Sebastian Cavana before he was captured by the town of Oant and made to hang for his crimes. Now his soul haunts the cave, determined to keep his treasure protected even beyond the grave.

When did this happen?

The PCs find out about this roughly a few hours as they have arrived into town. The cove was only recently discovered

Why are the PCs here?

The PCs are here for adventure and just checking out the local life of the town of Oant. This will lead the PCs to the location of the cove and a short boat trip later they will arrive at the entrance to the cave known now as Terror Cavana.

How will the PCs deal with this problem?

Once the PCs reach the cavernous cove they will enter from the east side of the map. The cavern’s floor is one of muck so it will slow down those who cannot directly handle difficult terrain.

After the PCs clear the cove they will have a pirate’s treasure trove of epic proportions.

NPCs of Note

Pirate Sebastian Cavana- A notorious pirate captain of the Terrorbist. He was a water genasi with a peculiar crew of sahuagin and lizardfolk. He successfully captured 30 ships and hid the bulk of his plunder in a small cove off of Oant. He was eventually cornered and captured by a well funded group of pirate hunters. Though they caught the man they never found where he hid the bulk of his treasure.


Town Oant

Terror Cavana

Player Map
DM Map

Encounters & Treasure

Listed in the PDF


With the defeat of the denizens of the Terror Cavana the PCs will have a large amount of wealth as well as a story to tell about the ghost of the late pirate captain.

Shout outs as always to and for being amazing resources in creating this one shot adventure!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related