If I had to build this character I would do this:

Race Half elf with skill versatility of Stealth and Athletics with +1 to Dex and Con

Background Soldier with the skills of Intimidation and Investigation


str 8 dex 16 con 14 int 12 wis 14 cha 12 (after race and feat bonuses, 27 point)


Class breakdown of Rogue 4 (Scout) / Monk 2 with the feat Crossbow Expert

Rogue skills being sleight of hand, acrobatics, perception and deception and expertise in stealth and thieves’ tools


Hand crossbow and light crossbow with a dagger and shortsword.

This build gives Solid Snake amazing amounts of skills, incredible speed and maneuverability, ninja stealth skills, and CQC levels of beat down.



Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related