Escanor is known as the Lion’s Sin of Pride, and throughout all of Liones as the strongest of the holy knights. His power is one that harbors the powers of the sun inside the body of a mountain of a man. He grows from one who fears losing control of his abilities to using his full might to save his friends. He is closest to Merlin, having falling in love with her, but also shares respect for Meliodas and Gowther as well. He is the mightiest of the 7DS to the point that he is know as The One.

Escanor Stats

Str 14 Dex 10 Con 15 Int 8 Wis 12 Cha 12 (27 point buy)

Str 14 Dex 10 Con 16 Int 8 Wis 12 Cha 14 (after racial and feat mod)

Class Barbarian 1/Warlock 5 (The Celestial)

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. All Consuming Radiance.
  2. Divine Axe Rhitta
  3. Power that Defines The One.


For the race I chose Scourge Aasimar for Escanor. I chose a race that grants him the ability to shine with the divine power of the sun. With this race you gain Darkvision, Celestial Resistance, Healing Hands, Light Bearer, Radiant Consumption and +2 to Cha +1 to Con. The main power for this race is the Radiant Consumption that allows him to shine with the heat and light of the sun, causing radiant damage to all around him including himself (half damage for him).


For Background I chose Noble for Escanor. With this background he gains the skills of History, Persuasion, Playing Card Set, the language of Abyssal and the Feature Position of Privilege.


Escanor’s class breakdown is Barbarian 1/Warlock 5 (The Celestial). This combination of classes gives him the ability to have a form change with that represented as Rage. As well as a higher AC when not wearing armor. While he gets his Divine Axe Rhitta and the bulk of his powers from the spells and Eldritch Invocations from the Warlock class. With these two classes combined he gains enough powers to become The One.

Barbarian 1 is the first part of Escanor’s build. He gains the skills of Athletics, Intimidation, Rage and Unarmored Defense. Rage will prove to be vital when he uses that one shinning minute to become

The other part of his build will be the five levels of Warlock.

Warlock 1 (The Celestial) grants Pact Magic, Expanded Spell List, Bonus Cantrips and Healing Light. Healing Light grants additional healing capability for Escanor to take more damage and not mind what his foe just did.

Warlock 2 gives him the Eldritch Invocations of Agonizing Blast and Fiendish Vigor. Agonizing Blast increases the damage of the eldritch blast cantrip while Fiendish Vigor allows him to cast false life at will. Both will serving in bolstering his damage and granting him additional hit points to thrive through his tougher battles.

Warlock 3 is where he picks up Divine Axe Rhitta with the Pact Boon of Pact of the Blade. Now he can summon his weapon to his hand and it counts as magic for overcoming resistances and immunities to non magical attacks and damage.

Warlock 4 is where he picks a feat that will grant him additional powers especially while he is using the Rage feature from Barbarian. The feat is called the Gift of the Chromatic Dragon. With this feat he gains two features Chromatic Infusion and Reactive Resistance. Chromatic Infusion allows him to gain an added d4 bonus elemental damage to simple or martial weapon for one minute. Reactive Resistance gives him reaction resistance to various elemental damage a number of times equal to his proficiency bonus.

Warlock 5 is the final class level for Escanor’s build. It is where he picks up his third Eldritch Invocation of Thirsting Blade. Now he gets to attack twice with his pact weapon. He also gains access to 3rd level spells.

With full use of her Escanor’s power he is able to perform the following techniques via spells and abilities:

Cruel Sun- Flaming Sphere

Pride Flare- Guiding Bolt or Eldritch Blast

Crazy Prominence- Hellish Rebuke

Final Prominence- Radiant Consumption at low hit points

Divine Sword Escanor- Spirit Shroud/Chromatic Infusion

Divine Spear Escanor- Spirit Shroud/Chromatic Infusion


Divine Axe Rhitta- Pact Weapon

Charge & Fire-Chromatic Infusion-fire +Green Flame Blade cantrip

The One-Radiant Consumption + Rage + Chromatic Infusion-fire

This combination of feats, stats and spells gives this DND build of Escanor, Lion’s Sin of Pride, the One true power to stand as a pinnacle above all in Six levels or Less.




Create Bonfire

Eldritch Blast

Green-Flame Blade

1st Level

Guiding Bolt

Hellish Rebuke

2nd Level

Flaming Sphere

3rd Level



Spirit Shroud


Standard Barbarian Gear with a focus on a Battleaxe.

Shout out to for the amazing information in making this amazing character as well as DNDBeyond for its character creation platform. Next week will be the Dragon’s Sin of Wrath, Meliodas!

Until next week Tale-Tellers!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related