The PCs are approached by a member of the town’s council to find out what has happened to the aquifers under the town since the wells are beginning to dry up. A century ago the town made an agreement with the local Kobolds, called the Aquatails, to maintain them in exchange for spare textiles provided by the town. With the wells failing the PCs will need to resolve this issue before the town dies of thirst.

This is a one shot adventure for four level 3 PCs.

Six W’s

Who are the enemies in this One Shot?

Kobolds, Gnome Bandits, Corrupt Councilmen

What has happened to cause the PCs to fight?

The PCs are approached by an up and coming Councilman named Johaans Geos to help rid the town of the Kobolds who have cut off the towns access to the aquifers. This is causing all of the wells to dry up and threatens the town with the real threat of dehydration and death. He provides the PCs with a map of Aquatails’ warren and a basic information on their strengths.

Where is this encounter happening?

This encounter is starting off in the town of Hanto Rise. It was founded over a century ago and has had a reliable peace between the Kobold clan and the citizenry up until three years ago.

When did this happen?

The PCs find out about this hours into visiting the town. If the PCs either roll a DC 12 perception check or persuasion they can find out about the rise of anti-kobold sentiments. A DC 15 History check reveals more of the towns history involving the agreement between the town and the clan as well as its souring.

Why are the PCs here?

The PCs are here initially to sell and provision before going off to bigger affairs but the town’s dire straights compels them to stay and figure out how to rectify the situation.

How will the PCs deal with this problem?

The PCs can either follow Councilmen Geos plan of laying siege to the Kobolds or investigate why the agreement has gone sour. If the PCs approach the Kobolds with a diplomatic angle (able to speak draconic, skillful in persuasion, and no one in the party looks like a gnome) then the Kobolds will tell you of how the town has reneged on their agreements with late shipments and half filled orders. They will also mention how more hostile they have been to the clan in the past two years, as more than a few Kobolds have been injured to the brink of death.

Councilmen Johaans has had the party being observed by a scout to relay information on their progress and if he catches wind of them not destroying the Kobolds he will then send in his Deep Gnome Replacement squad called the Tommi-Knockers to clear out the Kobolds and the party.

Should the party defeat the Tommi-Knockers and confront Councilmen Johaans Geos, he will reveal himself to being an agent of Shadow Maw and launch into a monologue before attacking the party directly.

NPCs of Note

Corrupt Councilmen Johaans Geos- A handsome human male in his mid 30’s with a gregarious air about him. He seems to care about the town and its future and seeks to rid it of it sickening kobold relationship. He is always flanked by his masked body guards and his pet Labrador Cerbi. Secretly, he is an agent of Shadow’s Maw who’s main job is to destabilize the region for a darker puprpose.


Town Hanto Rise

Aquatails Warren

Encounters & Treasure

Gnome Replacement Squad

Kobold Aquatails Conflict

Councilmen Johaans Geos


Once the PCs have either defeated the Aquatail Kobold clan or the Tommi-knockers followed by Corrupt Councilmen Johaans Geos they will be paid with 200 GP reward from either faction. This can also lead to further adventures involving either finding more agents of Shadow’s Maw or future projects from Hanto Rise’s newest mayor Johaans Geos

Shout outs as always to and for being amazing resources in creating this one shot adventure!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related