The PCs are informed by wounded citizens of a small frontier that a viscous clan of gnolls have attacked the town and are now heading to a damaged keep. They ask the PCs for help in saving what few townsfolk were carried off. As they are told about the town’s situation a few gnolls crest the hill to gather up their escaping prey.

This is a one shot adventure for four level 3 PCs.

Six W’s

Who are the enemies in this One Shot?

Gnolls of various types, hyenas

What has happened to cause the PCs to fight?

The PCs are encountered by injured victims running up a hill towards the PCs. The injured people are closely followed by a welcome committee of Gnoll witherlings and hyena’s all directed by a Gnoll archer. Once the party defeats these Gnolls they will be directed to the smoldering remains of a town.

Where is this encounter happening?

This encounter is starting on the road to the small frontier town of Laplacs, located many miles away from the capital of the empire. From Laplacs the PCs will be led through a dense forested swamp to a desolate wooden fort.

When did this happen?

The PCs find out about this minutes after the larger gnoll hunting has carried away those who they could find back to the keep. By the time the PCs get to the town half an hour would have passed.

Why are the PCs here?

The PCs are here to partially attend to the wounded, but primarily the rescue the remaining townsfolk and defeat the gnoll base. For every hour that passes a commoner is eaten by the gnolls. This will begin

How will the PCs deal with this problem?

The PCs will have to take out the small welcoming committee of witherings or the injured escapees will be slaughtered. The party will need to clear out the waylaying hunter group before heading to the wood keep.

At the keep the PCs will have a few ways of tackling the keep. Stealth, full frontal attack or subtefuge are all viable options.

NPCs of Note

Hix’shaw- Pack leader of the Gnolls called Clefttooths. He has a partially skeletalized right arm and has been granted the secret power to create Gnoll Witherings by Yeenoghu


Town Laplacs

Clefttooth Fort

Encounters & Treasure

Up to Gnoll Good Welcoming Committee

Up to Gnoll Good Hunting Party

Up to Gnoll Good Main Event


Once the PCs have defeated the remaining Gnoll menace the surviving townsfolk will thank them profusely. A cart will be found in the back that will allow the PCs to at least move the loot and people who are injured. Horses can be found in the area around town to hitch to the wagon via a DC 15 survival check to track their hoof prints.

Shout outs as always to and for being amazing resources in creating this one shot adventure!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related