Malcaryn Wildheart is a young hafling who knew the value of people. She realized at an early age that those who travel on their own are rarely as successful at life as those who travel with a pack of lean wolfs. She quickly fell into a gang but through guile, wits and sharp acumen she was able to establish herself and lead her team. When her gang was waylaid in the feywilds each one was separated until she alone was the lone survivor. In an effort to escape she made a deal with the first fey creature she could find and was granted an escape. Now she bears a magical tattoo of rotating flowers on her right hand that signifies her hand shack agreement and a desire to build a new pack.

Malcaryn Wildheart

Race: Lightfoot Hafling, +2 Dex, +1 Cha, Lucky, Brave, Hafling Nimbleness

Stats (27- point buy)

Str 8 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 13 Wis 10 Cha 15 (base stats)

Str 8 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 13 Wis 10 Cha 16 (racial and feat adjustment)

The three things that I wanted to achieve with this build are:

  1. Gang leader skills.
  2. Leadership potential.
  3. Fey powered options.


For the Race of this build I went Lightfoot Hafling. This race gives her Lucky, Brave, Hafling Nimbleness, and Naturally Stealthy.


For Background I chose Criminal for her. This gives her Deception, Stealth, Dice Set, Pan Flute the Criminal Contact.


For the Class make up of this build I went Rogue 5 (Mastermind)/ Warlock 1 (The Archfey). This combination gives her an amazing amount of skills, the ability to aid your crew as a bonus action, mistress of disguise abilities, magical options in a fight and the feat Inspiring Leader.

Rogue 1 gives her the skills Acrobatics, Persuasion, Insight and Perception, Expertise in Insight and Perception, Sneak Attack and Thieves’ Cant

Rogue 2 is where she gains Cunning Action

Rogue 3 is where she gets Master of Intrigue and Master of Tactics. Master of Intrigue gives her Playing Card Set, Elvish, Undercommon. Master of Tactics allows her a bonus action help action that is range 30 feet.

Rogue 4 is where she picks up the feat Inspiring Leader.

Rogue 5 is where she gains Uncanny Dodge

Warlock 1 (The Archfey) gives her Spellcasting, Pact Magic, And Fey Presence. Fey Presence causes either charmed or fear effect within 10 feet of her should they fail a Wis saving throw.



Eldritch Blast


1st Level

Faerie Fire



Standard Rogue Equipment with a focus on a Rapier and Burglar’s pack

Character sheet from DND Beyond


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related