King is know as Fairy King Harlequin, the King of the Fairy Realm and possibly the most powerful of all Fairy Kings. He is also known as Grizzly’s Sin of Sloth of the Seven Deadly Sins. He has a special relationship with Diane having spent time with her and protecting her for centuries. Of the sins he is the one of the most compassionate and morally upright members. He has a decent amount of combination techniques with Gowther. King is also a powerhouse as far as his inherent magical powers which are further increased by his Sacred Treasure, Spirit Spear Chastiefol.

King Stats

Str 8 Dex 14 Con 11 Int 12 Wis 12 Cha 15 (27 point buy)

Str 8 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 12 Wis 12 Cha 17 (after racial and feat mod)

Class Sorcerer (Divine Soul) 3/Warlock 3 (The Hexblade)

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. Spirit Spear Chastiefol w/ powers.
  2. Master of Disguise.
  3. King of the Fairies powers.


For the race I chose Fairy for King. With the Fairy race he gets Creature Type Fey, Size of Small, Fairy Magic and Flight and the language Giant. With Fairy Magic he gets Druidcraft as a cantrip, Farie Fire at 3rd level and Enlarge/Reduce at 5th level using his Cha.


For Background I chose Noble for King. With Noble he gets the skills History, Persuasion, Dice Set, the language Sylvan and Position of Privilege Background Feature.


King’s class breakdown is Sorcerer 3(Divine Soul)/ Warlock 3(Hexblade). This combination of classes gives him access to healing powers, the ability to create a weapon, various “Forms” of Chastiefol power sets, and curses and spells to create his ability Disaster. Disaster allows King to amplify minor wounds and growths into life threatening damage or manipulating life at its smallest levels. I would recommend switching back and forth between the two classes but I’m grouping each class level back to back.

Sorcerer 1 is the first part of King’s build. With this level he gets the skills Arcana and Insight, Spellcasting, Divine Magic and Favored by the Gods. Favored of the Gods allows him to roll 2d4 and add it to a failed save or missed attack. This shows his ability to manipulate his attacks to snake back and strike an opponent or survive with a save from Chastiefol.

Sorcerer 2 gives him Font of Magic. He can use sorcery points to cast more spells at this level.

Sorcerer 3 is where King gains Metamagic. Empowered Spell and Quickened Spell are the two that I chose for King. Now he can also use sorcery points to use Metamagic enhancements as well.

The rest of his class break down will be Warlock.

Warlock 1 gives King Pact Magic, Expanded Spell List, Hexblade’s Curse, and Hex Warrior. Hexblade’s Curse acts as part of his ability Disaster by allowing him bonus damage against the target, criting on 19 or 20 and healing if the target dies. Hex Warrior gives him the ability to wear medium armor, use shields and martial weapons as well as bonding to a weapon to use Cha as his attack and damage stat.

Warlock 2 is the level of Eldritch Invocations. The Invocations are Mask of Many Faces and Armor of Shadows. Mask allows him to disguise self at will while Armor allows him to cast mage armor at will. Now he can shape-shift at will and represent himself as Old Fart King on the fly while having a similar AC to further enhance him using this disguise..

Warlock 3 is where he picks up Pact Boon. The Pact of the Blade is where he can create whatever weapon he likes including kunais or Spears of all sizes.

With full use of King’s abilities and powers he create the follow abilities of Chastiefol:

Pillow (when acting as a shield)- Shield and Shield of Faith

Form One:Chastiefol- Spiritual Weapon or Pact Weapon

Bumblebee- Cloud of Daggers

Form Two: Guardian-Shield of Faith and Shield spell

Form Three: Fossilization- Hold Person

Form Four: Sunflower- Scorching Ray

Form Five: Increase- Magic Missile

Fight Fire with Fire- Magic Missile at one person

Form Six: Yggdra Cloth- Mage Armor from Armor of Shadows

Form Seven: Luminosity- Faerie Fire

The combination of feats, stats and spells gives this DND build of Fairy King Harlequin, the Grizzly’s Sin of Sloth the arcane power to fight in Six levels or Less.





Faerie Fire



Acid Splash

Blade Ward

Chill Touch

Mage Hand

1st Level

Magic Missile

Shield of Faith

Cure Wounds

2nd Level

Scorching Ray

Spiritual Weapon



Eldritch Blast

Mind Sliver

1st Level



2nd Level

Cloud of Daggers

Hold Person


Standard Sorcerer Gear with a focus on a Spear and Arcane Focus.

Shout out to for the amazing information in making this amazing character as well as DNDBeyond for its character creation platform. Next week will be the Goat’s Sin of Lust, Gowther!

Until next week Tale-Tellers!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related