Diane is the giantess called the Serpent’s Sin of Envy. It is her strength of heart, body, and spirit that even the former king of the giant clan, Drole, acknowledge as having the potential to become the next ruler of the giants. She is close to Meliodas and especially King of the Fairy clan. Diane grows from a small child lost in the woods to a powerhouse capable of fending off powerful opponents who threaten to destroy the world all with the other Seven Deadly Sins.

Diane Stats

Str 14 Dex 13 Con 15 Int 8 Wis 12 Cha 10 (27 point buy)

Str 16 Dex 13 Con 16 Int 8 Wis 12 Cha 10 (after racial and feat mod)

Class Barbarian 1/Fighter 5 (Rune Knight)

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. Incredible resilience to damage.
  2. Armed and unarmed combat mastery.
  3. Height management.


For the race I chose Goliath for Diane giving her +3 to Str and +1 to Con. Goliath also gives her Natural Athlete, Stone’s Endurance, Powerful Build, Mountain Born. Now she gets the Athletics skill, a once per short rest damage reduction, the carrying capacity of a large creature, cold resistance and acclimation to high elevations.


For Background I chose Feylost for her since she was missing for 500 years with the amnesiac King in a forest. With this background she gets Deception and Survival for skills, Drum as a Tool Proficinecy, the language of Sylvan and the feature of Feywild Connection.


Diane’s class breakdown is one level of Barbarian with the rest of her classes in Fighter with the subclass of Rune Knight. This combination of classes gives her more damage resistance, capable unarmed and armed fighting prowess, access to spells that mimic her Creation powers, and the ability to grow in stature from medium to large.

Barbarian 1 is the first step for Diane’s build. With this level she gets the maximum amount of hit points of any class, the skills of Animal Handling and Nature, Rage and Unarmored Defense. Rage allows her advantage on Str checks and saves, bonus damage for Str based attacks and resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage. Unarmored Defense mimics her naturally hardy Giant Clan racial tendencies.

With that basis down the rest of the class break down will be Fighter

Fighter 1 gains Diane the Fighting style of Unarmed Fighting and Second Wind. Now she is capable of dealing incredible amounts of damage with her bare fist should enter any fighting tournaments. Second Wind will further enhance her already hale form with additional levels of survivability.

Fighter 2 is where she gains the ability to unleash further levels of destruction with the feature Action Surge. Now Diane can gain another action once per short rest. This gives her options for more speed, another round of attacks or taking a defensive action for free.

Fighter 3 is where a number of powerhouse features strengthen this build. It is here where she will become a Rune Knight and gains the features of Rune Carver, Giant’s Might and bonus proficiencies of smith’s tools. With Rune Carver she gains access to runes that give passive and active abilities. For her I went with Cloud Rune and Frost Rune. Now she has advantage on Dex (sleight of hand), Cha (Deception), Wis (Animal Handling) and Cha (Intimidation) checks.

Her active abilities give her the ability to shift attacks to other foes within 30 feet while giving herself +2 bonus to all ability checks and saving throws that use Str or Con. Now she can protect those around her and further increase her legendarily known feats of strength and hardiness.

Lastly, she gains Giant’s Might which allows her to grow to Large size, advantage for a second time on Str checks and saving throws and an extra 1d6 damage for unarmed or armed strikes once per turn.

Fighter 4 is where Diane picks up her Creation powers in the form of the feat Magic Initiate (Druid). With this feat she can now cast spells with her Wis stat as the spellcasting ability.

Fighter 5 is the capstone for this build with the might Extra Attack. Now she naturally gets two attacks when she takes the attack action, thus increasing her damage potential and unleashing devastation to her foes.

With full use of Diane’s powers she can has options of unleashing powers of Giant’s Might or Rage once per round to gain advantages to her Str checks while making use of her passive and active abilities for good measure. She has incredible resistances to multiple damage types, and is capable of destroying her foes with spells or damage from her Maul.

The combination of feats, stats and spells gives this DND build of Diane, the Serpent’s Sin of Envy, the power to defend or defeat in Six levels or Less.


Magic Initiate (Druid)


Mold Earth

Magic Stone

1st Level

Earth Tremor


Standard Barbarian Gear with a focus on a Maul and a drum.

Shout out to https://nanatsu-no-taizai.fandom.com/wiki/Nanatsu_no_Taizai_Wiki and The Amagi for the amazing information in making this amazing character as well as DNDBeyond for its character creation platform. Next week will be the Grizzly’s Sin of Sloth Fairy King Harlequin!

Until next week Tale-Tellers!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related