Ban is a man known by many names, Undead Ban, Bandit Ban, but primarily known as Fox’s Sin of Greed. He is a man capable of enduring the hardest of situations and despite being pushed to his limits, still perseveres and even thrives. He is loyal to his Best Friend Meliodas, Jericho, and to his best girl of Elaine. His story arch from poverty and abuse to becoming one of the strongest Sins is an epic story amongst other epic stories.

Ban Stats

Str 13 Dex 13 Con 14 Int 8 Wis 13 Cha 13 (27 point buy)

Str 16 Dex 14 Con 16 Int 8 Wis 14 Cha 13 (after racial and feat mod)

Class Rogue 1/ Monk 5 (Way of Mercy)

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. Snatch like abilities.
  2. Regenerative type powers.
  3. Unarmed martial prowess.


For the race I choose Variant human for Ban. Variant human gives you a free language, two ability scores increases, one free skill, and one free feat. I went with Sylvan for the language, increases to Dex and Con by 1, Survival as the free skill, and the Fey Touched (Wisdom) feat. With Fey Touched (Wisdom) he gains a bonus to his Wis, the Misty Step spell and a first level spell which will be Hex for Ban. This ties in well with him gaining the title of Fairy King Ban as well.


For Background I chose Criminal for him since one of his infamous names is Bandit Ban. With this background he gets Deception and Stealth for skills, Playing Card Set and Leatherworker’s Tools for Tool Proficiency, and the feature of Criminal Contact.


Ban’s class breakdown is one level of rogue with the rest of the his classes in Monk with the subclass of Way of Mercy. This combination of classes increase his skills in theft, increases to his unarmed fighting skills, regenerative properties and grants him further abilities to wear down his foes.

With that basis down the rest of the class break down will be Monk

Monk 1 grants band with the class features Unarmored Defense and Martial Arts. Since he is normally only wearing pants or a leather clothing outfits this gives Ban a higher AC then your average human.

Monk 2 is where he gains Ki and Unarmored Movement. This level continues to strengthen his defenses, increase his number of attacks and quicker movement speed.

Monk 3 is where Ban starts to gain his restorative abilities as well the ability to harm foes through his touch through the Monastic Tradition of Way of Mercy. Hand of Harm allows him to do extra necrotic damage on top of his martial arts damage. Hand of Healing allows him to heal a creature using his martial arts die plus wisdom to heal wounds. He also gains the ability to Deflect Missiles to further protect himself from range attacks.

Monk 4 is where he pics up the Feat Chef. He is known for being an amazing chef and this feat makes him the best chef the Boar’s Hat has ever had. Ban can create food that buffs those that eat it and portable snacks that can be eaten during combat as a bonus action for some temporary hit points. He also gains the feature Slow Fall to subtract damage from falling from great heights.

Monk 5 is the capstone for Ban with Extra Attack and Stunning Strike class features. With these two features Ban can now attack up to four times and can inflict the stunned status effect on opponents.

With full use of Ban’s abilities, he could cast Hex on a foe to weaken their con save, then move up to the target and flurry of blows and stun the opponent. If he took damage before hand he could use Hand of Healing in place of one of his two flurry attacks to regenerate hit points for himself as well. He also has further options through temporary hit points through his culinary treats with the Chef feat to further make him seem unkillable.

The combination of feats, stats and spells gives this DND build of Ban the Fox’s Sin of Greed, title in Six levels or Less.


Fey Touched (Wisdom)

1st Level


2nd Level

Misty Step


Standard Rogue Gear with Rapier and Chef Utensils. Pick up a quarterstaff and flavor it to be a three section staff.

Shout out to and AnimeUproar for the amazing information in making these amazing characters as well as DNDBeyond for its character creation platform. Next week will be the Serpent’s Sin of Envy Diane!

Until next week Tale-Tellers!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related