Liver continues its quest to train and prepare adventures for the harsh realities of adventuring with their myriad of training dungeons located through the area. This particular dungeon is one that few administrators have seen undertaken however. So much so that now they only require adventures to grab one key item instead of completely clearing out all of the monsters. It seems this training dungeon is one in which seasoned adventures would find daunting, but they offer the challenge to any group willing to tackle The Chambers of Ashmamum.

This is technically a mission for four level 1 PCs but level 2 or 3 characters would find this challenging as well.

Six W’s

Who are the enemies in this One Shot?

Traps, Xvart, Ettercaps, Giant Wolf Spiders, Kobolds and variants, Gelatinous Cube, Chitines, Wererat

What has happened to cause the PCs to fight?

The PCs will hear through passive rumors and rumblings through the town and the guild hall ( DC 10 Investigation, or Cha checks/ gaining advantage if in the guild hall’s lobby) of a perilous but profitable dungeon to the south of town. When the PCs go to the guild hall to search out dungeons they will notice that guild representative Hilda goes out of her way to dissuade groups from attempting a particular dungeon due to its reputation. This is one of the few dungeons where beginning adventures are given a stipend of 200 GP per PC to arm themselves for its perils.

Where is this encounter happening?

This encounter is starting in the town of Liver. This is where the PCs will meet up and explore the markets, shops and massive inns in town. From there the adventure takes the PCs to the dungeon called The Chambers of Ashmamum, located two days journey to the south of Liver.

This dungeon was created by worshipers of a now unknown neutral deity to be a maze. Its one of the few dungeons that predate the town’s founding. This dungeon has sat empty for well over five centuries before the adventure’s guild decided to rehab the structure into a workable training dungeon. Unfortunately, this particular dungeon has attracted beings that have reputations for being called vermin by those in major cities.

When did this happen?

The PCs have found out about this dungeon during the first day of their time in Liver. Due to the reputation of this dungeon it has been perpetually unchallenged for two years now.

Why are the PCs here?

Liver is the capital of adventures and each dungeon challenges the PCs in different ways. This particular dungeon is one where those of a more roguish nature would find fitting for there skills. Unfortunately, most parties are steered away from this dungeon. That being said the requirements for this dungeon have been lowered from clearing to simply getting the shield from a Kobold dragonshield and returning back to town with it.

How will the PCs deal with this problem?

Once the PCs have made the required checks necessary to want to attempt The Chambers of Ashmamum the guild representative will sigh and give the party the information for the dungeon. They will be made aware of the history of the dungeon as well as the need for someone who has skills in spotting traps and disabling them. They will each be given 200 GP and be told that they should invest in either buying silver weapons or getting silvered gel to coat their weapons should they seek to completely clear this dungeon. If the PCs attempt to persuade guild representative Hilda, she will divulge that she heard of a wererat taking up residence in the dungeon and that they should exercise extreme caution in going there.

Once the PCs have taken up their precautions and requisite shopping for supplies they will be given the blank map of the dungeon and told told they need only bring back a dragon shield kobold’s shield. The option to completely clear the dungeon is theirs to take but she would not recommend it.

From there the party will travel to The Chambers of Ashmamum and proceed to enter from the southern most part of the dungeon. The entrance is hidden by thick ivy but once found the party will need to break the door down in order to proceed further into the dungeon.

NPCs of Note

Guild Representative Hilda Hammerthorn- Hilda is a mature female dwarf in her 200s. She has piercing blue eyes and jet black hair tied in an elaborate bun. She is the main point of contact for all new adventures joining the guild. Pleasant and polite with a stern side for paperwork being filled out properly is how she would be described.


Town Liver

The Chambers of Ashmamum

DM Map
PC Map

Encounters & Treasure

Listed in the PDF.


With the PCs leaving the dungeon with a dragonshield, they will be given the praise of attempting a dangerous dungeon and learning various techniques necessary to survive crypts and urban dangers found in major cities. Each PC will be rewarded with 75 GP each as their reward as well.

If the PCs manage to completely clear the dungeon then the party will be lauded as heroes of interest and sought after for their abilities and talents. Each PC will be gifted 300 GP as well for completing such a difficult feat.

Shout outs as always to and for being amazing resources in creating this one shot adventure!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related