Jericho is a proud yet serious minded holy knight apprentice of the new generation for the kingdom of Liones. From failed holy knight apprentice who sought to gain strength through any means to a steadfast ally of Ban and the Seven Deadly Sins. Jericho has had a profound growth both in character and power from being part of the Weird Fangs at Baste Dungeon all the way to where the series is now. She is known for lighting fast sword slashes, ice manipulation powers, and a hardiness both in mind and body. In my humble opinion she is best girl of the series.

Jericho Stats

Str 14 Dex 13 Con 14 Int 13 Wis 8 Cha 11 (27 point buy)

Str 16 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 13 Wis 8 Cha 11 (after racial and feat mod)

Class Fighter 6 (Eldritch Knight)

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. Lighting fast slashes and mobility.
  2. Cryokinetic powers.
  3. Strength to carry friends for miles.


For the race I choose Variant human for Jericho. Variant human gives you a free language, two ability scores increases, one free skill, and one free feat. I went with Abyssal for the language, increases to Dex and Str by 1, Perception as the free skill, and the Slasher feat. With Slasher she gains a bonus to her Str, the ability to slow an opponent by 10 feet until her next turn and the ability to cause disadvantage on a critical hit.


For Background I chose Knight of the Order for since she is a holy knight apprentice of Liones. With this background Jericho gets Persuasion and Arcana for skills, Three-Dragon Ante Set Tool Proficiency, Elvish for the language and the feature of knightly Regard.


Jericho’s class breakdown is six levels of Fighter with her subclass being Eldritch Knight. This subclass is superb in gaining her both martial prowess, speed enhancements, and ice manipulation.

Fighter 1 starts the build for Jericho. Her Proficiencies are Athletics and Acrobatics. She gains access to the Fighting Style of Dueling and Second Wind. Second Wind is represents her toughness especially when she was hit directly in the face with a boulder and just continued on.

Fighter 2 is where she starts to gain her godspeed with the feature Action Surge. Now she gets another action to perform in the same six second round.

Fighter 3 is where she starts to gain her ice powers and speed enhancements in the form of the Martial Archetype of Eldritch Knight. With Eldritch Knight she gains Spellcasting and Weapon Bond. Weapon Bond is useful in the sense that she can summon her sword to herself at any time and can’t be disarmed unless she is incapacitated. This gives her sword slashes the appearance of coming out of nowhere.

Fighter 4 is where she pics up the Feat of Mobile. This feat gives her a movement speed of 40, the ability to dash over difficult terrain without extra movement required, and negating attacks of opportunity for a foe against her when you attack them. This lends well to her hit and move fighting style.

Fighter 5 allows her multiple attacks with the class feature Extra Attack. Now she gets two regular attacks and four if she uses Action Surge.

Fighter 6 is the capstone for Jericho with the feat Martial Adept. With Martial Adept she gains the two special combat maneuvers of Evasive Footwork and Riposte. Evasive Footwork is great since it increases her AC by a die roll and last for as long as she is moving. Riposte allows her to use a reaction and attack a creature that misses her. This works out great since now she can potentially zigzag through the battlefield attacking even on her reaction, potentially gaining five attacks in one round of combat.

With full use of Jericho’s abilities, she should be able to move at 100 feet in a round(40 feet natively with Longstrider and then Expeditious Retreat spells) with the ability to damage multiple opponents a round, and potentially five attacks in the same round.

The combination of feats, stats and spells gives this DND build of Jericho the Godspeed Knight title in Six levels or Less.


Eldritch Knight



Ray of Frost

1st Level

Expeditious Retreat

Ice Knife


Mage Armor


Standard Fighter Gear with Chain Mail, Longsword, Morningstar and Light Crossbow options. Eventually, you will want to upgrade her equipment with Half Plate.

Shout out to for the amazing information in making these amazing characters as well as DNDBeyond for its character creation platform. Next week will be the Fox Sin of Greed Ban!

Until next week Tale-Tellers!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related