Geese Howard is the main antagonist for Fatal Fury and of the Bogard brothers in particular. He is a prideful fighter who uses his craving for power to take anything that he wants. His martial arts technique is a blend of Aiki-Jujutsu and the chi techniques learned from his former master Tung Fu Rue. The CEO of the Howard Connection, Geese Howard is a mountain that stands against all challengers.

Geese Howard Stats

Str 10 Dex 13 Con 13 Int 9 Wis 15 Cha 13 (27 point buy)

Str 10 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 9 Wis 16 Cha 13 (after racial and feat mod)

Class Cleric 1(Tempest Domain)/Monk 5(Way of the Astral Self)

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. Lighting summoning prowess.
  2. Frustrating counter attacking
  3. Destructive waves of power


For the race I choose Variant human for Geese. Variant human gives you a free language, two ability scores increases, one free skill, and one free feat. I went with Undercommon for the language, increases to Dex and Wis by 1, Athletics as the free skill, and the Martial Adept feat. With Martial Adept I gave Geese the special combat maneuvers of Grappling Strike and Trip Attack.


For Background I chose Criminal for Geese since he is literally the head of a criminal syndicate. With this background Geese gets Deception and Stealth for skills, Thieves’ Kit and Playing Card Set for the Tool Proficiencies, and the feature of Criminal Contact.


Geese Howard’s class breakdown is a combination of Cleric and Monk. I went with this to give him a combination of lighting powers and the ability to intercept an enemies attack before they get to him.

Cleric 1 starts the build for Geese. His Proficiencies are Religion and Insight. He gains access to Spellcasting, the Divine Domain of Tempest, Bonus proficiencies of martial weapons and heavy armor and Wrath of the Storm. Wrath of the Storm is a great reaction rebuttal when Geese is hit. When he is attacked he can unleash 2d8 lighting or thunder damage when he is assaulted. He also has access to spells like Thunderwave to inflict his trade mark Reppuuken attacks.

From there the rest of Geese Howard’s build travels the path of Monk.

Monk 1 gains Unarmored Defense and Martial Arts.

Monk 2 gains him access to Ki usage and Unarmored Movement. This gives Geese access to more attacks, dodge as a bonus action, and increased in evasive tactics as well.

Monk 3 is where Geese will begin to stand above his adversaries in battle. Way of the Astral Self grants him the feature of Arms of the Astral Self. Arms of the Astral Self starts of with an activation that gives you a ten foot area of effect attack on chosen targets. From there the power allows you to use your Wis instead of Str to checks and savings throws, spectral arms to make unarmed attacks, an extra 5 feet of range and the ability to use Wis for attack and damage rolls and the arms damage type is force. All of that for 1 ki point and a ten minute timer. Deflect Missiles is another cherry on top for this level.

Monk 4 is where Geese Howard gets the ability to knock his opponents back with the feat Crusher. The increase goes to Con while the added features of the feat speak for themselves. He also get Slow Fall which will help should he get kicked out of a window at any point in his career.

Monk 5 is the capstone for Geese Howard. It is here where he gains access to Stunning Strike and Extra Attack. Now he can make a staggering four attacks with use of Ki and potentially stun her opponents as well.

So a full round for Geese should look different in two ways. If he goes first he would move with in ten feet of the enemy, bonus action for Arms of the Astral Self, First attack with arms using a superiority die for Trip Attack, second attack with advantage if they are prone, extra attack from martial arts and ki for flurry if they are not defeated by then.

The second option is if they attack first. They hit Geese, which triggers his Wrath of the Storm, then on his turn Arms, attack with superiority dice for grappling strike, land second attack with Arms, extra attack with martial arts using a kick which is a bludgeoning attack, activate crusher to send the back 5 feet. This keeps them in your attack range and still grappled from your Astral arms and keeps them from hitting Geese.

The combination of Tempest Cleric and Astral Arms monk with a few feats sprinkled in for good measure lends for a powerful combatant. Geese Howard, the primary bad guy of South Town, in Six levels or Less.


Tempest Domain Cleric


Toll the Dead


Word of Radiance

1st Level


Detect Evil and Good

Fog Cloud

Guiding Bolt

Healing Word



Standard Cleric Gear with Chain Mail, Warhammer, Shield and Spear, which you can sell for money once you are level two. Then pick up thieves’ tools

Shout out to for the amazing information in making these amazing characters. Next week is a new media to explore.

Until next week Tale-Tellers!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related