Mai Shiranui is the self proclaimed fiance of Andy Bogard and heiress of the Shiranui clan. She is a kunoichi who combines her ninjutsu training, fierce beauty and pyrokinesis to form a devastating martial art style called Shiranui-ryuu Ninjutsu. She is the Alluring Ninja Girl of the Fatal Fury series.

Mai Shiranui Stats

Str 8 Dex 15 Con 12 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 13 (27 point buy)

Str 8 Dex 16 Con 13 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 14 (after racial and feat mod)

Class Monk 6(Way of Shadow)

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. Acrobatic Ninjutsu fighting style.
  2. Pyrokinetic fire fury.
  3. Pop Idol skills.


For the race I choose Variant human for Mai. Variant human gives you a free language, two ability scores increases, one free skill, and one free feat. For her, I went with Elvish for the language, increases to Dex and Cha by 1, Stealth as the free skill, and the Magic Initiate(Sorcerer) feat. With Magic Initiate(Sorcerer) Mai learns Control Flames, Fire Bolt, and Burning Hands.


For Background I chose Entertainer for Mai since she is a Pop Idol when she is not in fighting tournaments. With this background Mai gets Performance and Deception for skills, Disguise Kit and Flute for the Tool Proficiencies, and By Popular Demand.


For Mai’s class breakdown I went with a full six levels in Monk (Way of Shadow). This path is the classic representation of a ninja.

Monk 1 starts Mai’s training style for Mai. Her Proficiencies are Acrobatics, Athletics, and Cook’s Utensils. She also gains Unarmored Defense and Martial Arts.

Monk 2 gains her access to Ki usage and Unarmored Movement. This gives Mai the ability to make more attacks, dodge as a bonus action, and increased in evasive tactics as well.

Monk 3 gives her access to Monastic Tradition, Deflect Missiles and Shadow Arts. Mai’s Monastic Tradition will be Way of Shadow. With Shadow Arts she gains the ability to cast spells using her Ki. She then gains the spells of darkness, darkvision, pass without trace or silence for the price of 2 Ki.

Monk 4 is where Mai will gain a feat that allows her push foes around with ease in the form of the feat Crusher. This will increase her Con by one and allows her to devastate opponents by either moving them five feet away or gaining advantage on them with a critical strike. Mai will also get Slow Fall as well.

Monk 5 gives Mai access to Stunning Strike and Extra Attack. Now she can make a staggering four attacks with use of Ki and potentially stun her opponents as well.

Monk 6 is the capstone for Mai Shiranui with three different class abilities.. She gains Ki-Empowered Strikes, Unarmored Movement and Shadow Step. This gives her body the ability to count as magic attacks when using unarmed attacks, increased speed to 45 feet, and the ability to teleport up to 60 feet in dim light or darkness to gain advantage on your next melee attack before the end of a turn.

The Way of Shadow mixed with a few key cantrips and feat selections manifests as the nearest thing to The Alluring Ninja Girl in Six levels or Less.


Magic Initiate (Sorcerer) and Way of Shadow


Control Flames

Fire Bolt

Minor Illusion

1st Level

Burning Hands


Standard Monk Gear with a Boomerang, tools for her proficiencies and a dungeoneer’s pack.

Shout out to for the amazing information in making these amazing characters. Next week is the BBEG of Fatal Fury, Geese Howard!

Until next week Tale-Tellers!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related