A solemn human privateer who is the lone survivor of the Holly Lane, a pirate ship, has set out on her quest to avenge her fallen brethren. She employs her studies as a Monk of Death and Paladin to bring her wrath upon those who have wronged her. To her foes she is called Assassin Vine due to the nature of how she drains the very life out of her enemies.

Revna Willowgloom aka Assassin Vine

Race: Variant Human, +1 Dex, +1 Wis, Language, Skills, Feat

Stats (27- point buy)

Str 14 Dex 13 Con 12 Int 9 Wis 13 Cha 13 (base stats)

Str 14 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 9 Wis 14 Cha 13 (racial and feat adjustment)

The three things that I wanted to achieve with this build are:

  1. Blindsight like Assassin Vine
  2. Capable poisoner
  3. Stopping chosen prey in their tracks.


For Race of this build I went Variant Human. With variant human I went Undercommon for the language, ability score increase of Dex and Wis, the skill of medicine and the feat of Poisoner. With Poisoner she gains the ability to damage her foes who are poison resistant. She gains the quickness to poison on a bonus action instead of a full action. Lastly she can create her own poison that is strong enough to cause 2d8 poison damage and can further inflict the poison condition on a failed DC of 14 Con.


For Background I chose Pirate. This background grants her the skills of Athletics and Perception, tool proficiencies of Navigator’s tools and vehicles (water) and the Bad Reputation feature. This will allow her to get away with small minor affairs like breaking down doors or not paying for food due to the fear of what will happen if they cross her. The Athletics skill will help her hang on to her prey once she has them locked down.


For the Class make up of this build I went with Monk 3 (Way of the Long Death)/ Paladin 3 (Oath of Vengeance). This combination gives her capable speed, defensive abilities, multiple healing options and the skills necessary to extract her revenge.

Monk 1 is the starting class for Revna. With this level she gains Insight and Stealth and Lute skills. A stealthy assassin type who blends into the background like her moniker suggests. She also gets Unarmored Defense and Martial Arts. Making her a deadly opponent with the need of arms or armor. .

Monk 2 continues to harness her power with the ability to use Ki and Unarmored Movement. Now she has the options of dealing extra damage, extra defense with dodge or leaving a fight with Disengage and Dash options. Her speed increase now makes her speed 40 feet with 120 feet being an option in one round of play.

Monk 3 is where she has become comfortable with death as she follows way of the long death. She now has access to Touch of Death and Deflect Missiles. With Deflect Missiles she can once per round deflect or catch a ranged weapon if the dice rolls are in her favor. Touch of death allows her to gain gain temporary hit points from any creature she reduces to 0 hit points within five feet.

Level four represents her shift towards more of a vengeance themed character. Having learned how to deal with death and loss she is now capable of sharing what she was taught to others. She now begins her track onto the Paladin path of her career.

Paladin 1 is her first steps towards vengeance with Divine Sense and Lay on Hands. Divine Sense allows her to sense celestials, fiend or undead in a local area. While Lay on Hands allows her to heal herself or those who are collateral damage throughout her quest.

Paladin 2 gifts Revna with Fighting Style, Divine Smite and Spellcasting features. For her Fighting Style I chose Blind Fighting. This allows her the same blindsight feature as her moniker, albeit at a shorter range. Spellcasting gives her more utility but also allows her to fuel her Divine Smite. This works well when she poisons her weapon as bonus action, hits and then declares a smite.

Paladin 3 is the capstone of her build with her Sacred Oath being taken as Oath of Vengeance. She now has access to Channel Divinity and Oath Spells. Channel Divinity gives her the option of either fearing an enemy in place or gaining advantage against one foe for a minute. The Oath Spells of Bane and Hunter’s Mark are the cherry on top of this build.


Prepared Spells(4)

1st Level


Divine Favor

Hunter’s Mark

Wrathful Smite


Standard Monk Equipment. I added a poisoner’s kit since it becomes essential for the build. Eventually you will want to further lean into equipment with a Periapt of Proof against Poison and a Poison Absorbing Tattoo.

Character sheet from DND Beyond



Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related