Galentine has grown into their role as a Duke since the adventures last traveled with them. Now, Galentine has spent a better part of a year dungeon delving and pluming more about the secret cult threatening to tear the kingdom apart.

The heroes are asked for by name yet again to aid a wealthy noble’s cause. This time the hunt has evolved past a few aberrations. Now, the PCs will be asked to clear out an abandoned hobgoblin shrine that has become the home base for Yuan-ti. The Yuan-ti have reestablished the destroyed cult and are now calling themselves the Crested Scales of Balbelph. They have amassed an alarming array of creatures to their cause and threaten to overwhelm the small duchy of Ba’Rayne with their numbers.

This is a mission for level 10 PCs

Six W’s

Who are the enemies in this One Shot?

Yaun-tis, Hobgoblins, Ogres, Adult Kruthik, Bone Naga, Kobold, Gnolls, Maw Demon, Guardian Naga

What has happened to cause the PCs to fight?

The PCs are again placed on retainer to assist a wealthy noble in an attempt to destroy the dangerous cult of the Crested Scales of Balbelph. The PCs will be given their Stipend of 6,000 GP per PC and permitted to purchase whatever they need to prepare for this extended hunt. The PCs will need to meet up with Galentine at their residence of Constance Keep, located outside of Hily’s Bank, in two days. It is here where Galentine will welcome the PCs and fill them in on the details of this mission.

Where is this encounter happening?

This is happening in the mountainous desert region Fel’cyth. The hobgoblin shrine is nestled on an old abandoned trade hub located three days travel from Constance Keep. During the time between when the PCs first met Galentine, Galentine had been working to uncover more of the secrets found in the Forsaken Sepulcher of Annihilation. After a few sojourns to other smaller sites, Galentine was able to uncover information on the Crested Scales.

When did this happen?

The Dungeon of Balbelph has been fought over for well over a decade but was believed to be unused since the last great war. The information gathered by Galentine was only newly discovered within the last week before the PCs were requested.

Why are the PCs here?

The PCs are specifically chosen by Galentine due to their previous history and their continued storied adventures since they worked together. Galentine has closely followed the reports from the guild on the PCs and can think of no one else to be by their side.

How will the PCs deal with this problem?

Once the PC’s meet with Galentine at Constance Manor, they will be made aware of the latest details behind the cults revitalization and the Crested Scales. The Crested Scales have usurped the remaining resources of the cult and have been preparing an armed retaliation in secret to undermine Ba’Rayne. Once they have completed that step they can covertly redirect resources to fuel the cult’s activities and attack the next duchy of Kalmire on the eastern border.

(If the DM wants they can add a random encounter as the PCs travel to the Dungeon of Balbelph)

Over the three day journey to the Dungeon of Balbelph the PCs will be able to encounter various creatures in the arid mountainous trek. During that time Galentine will make use of the spell Mordenkainen’s Private Sanctum to fortify the camp site for the PC, in order to keep their trek to the dungeon from being scryed and spied upon.

Once at the dungeon, the party will enter from the north side of the dungeon through a secret passwall entrance and proceed into the interior from there.

From there is the complete eradication of the foes inside this dungeon shrine. Galentine will mention of a Guardian Naga by the name of Akenti having once taken over this shrine but it has been months since any have heard from it.

NPCs of Note

Duke/Duchess(?) Galentine Ba’Roche- the noble in charge of the Duchy of Ba’Rayne. Galentine is always eloquent, respectful and rarely crass when it comes to dealing with others. Having to represent the Ba’Roche family is a heavy burden yet, Galentine does so to the best of their ability.

Guild Attendant Talia Fare- A mid 20’s female human of kindly disposition, who’s job it is to handle the higher ranked quest given to the guild. She will lead the PCs to a protected meeting room in order to discuss the contact information with Galentine via a Sending enchanted Pad of paper.

Guardian Naga Akenti- A peaceful Naga that has taken up residence in the Dungeon of Balbelph for over six years. The Naga has been placed under a constant dominate monster spell held in place by an unknown knight attendant.

Unknown Knight- Unknown knight is a puppet for a stronger entity that is using it to maintain a dominate monster spell over Guardian Naga Akenti. Who this knight is unknown at this time but maybe with enough research the truth may bear itself out.

Crested Scales- A occult organization run by Yuan-tees to subvert the inner workings of the Duchy of Ba’Rayne. Non scaled members of the organization are branded with a coiled crown made of hooded vipers upon their inner left arms. The organization has been funneling untold amounts of resources, slaves, and weaponry for the past 6 months in order to prepare for the next step of their plans. The Naga was enchanted and kept docile with a steady supply of high leveled Dominate monster scrolls from an unknown benefactor.


Hily’s Bank

Constance Keep

The Dungeon of Balbelph

PC Map
DM Map

Encounters & Treasure


With the destruction of the Crested Scales the overt threat to Duchy has been quelled. Unfortunately, this leads to additional questions. Who was this unknown knight? Who was controlling this knight from afar? Should the Naga survive the PCs will find out more about the Crested Scales and the amount of resources that were being funneled through the abandoned trade hub. The party will be allowed to keep as much of the treasure as they can as spoils of victory as well as rewarded with the other half of their retainer of 6,000 GP paid in trade bars.

Shout outs to and for being amazing resources in creating this one shot adventure!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related