Arche Eeb Rile Furt is the human noble mage of the team Foresight. A genius at casting arcane magic who was tutored by Fluder Paradyne, the strongest magic caster in the Baharuth Empire. She was also a hard worker and ended up in the worker group to gain riches to help her family.

Str 8 Dex 13 Con 12 Int 15 Wis 12 Cha 13 (27 point buy)

Str 8 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 16 Wis 12 Cha 13 (after racial mod)

Class 5 Wizard (Evoker)/Sorcerer 1 (Divine Soul)

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. All-Seeing Eyes.
  2. Arcane power with level 3 spells.
  3. The DnD Equivalent of the spell Flash.


For the race I choose Variant human. The variant human gives you a free language, two ability scores increases, one free skill, and one free feat. For Arche I went with Draconic for the language, increases to Int and Dex by 1, Insight as the free skill, and the Eldritch Adept feat. Eldritch Adept is essential for her since it grants her Eldritch Sight. This gives Arche her All-Seeing Eyes ability, allowing her to sense magic and determine the school of magic as well.


For Background I originally wanted to go cloistered scholar since she attended Imperial Magic Academy, but ultimately chose Nobel. With Nobel she gains the skills of History, Persuasion, Dragonchess Set for tool proficiencies, and the language of Elvish. The background feature of Position of Privilege comes into effect when she gather’s information on contractors for various Worker jobs.


For Arche’s Class breakdown I went with Wizard 5 (Evoker)/ Sorcerer 1 (Divine Soul). This class combo grants her third level spell power and the ability to cast a specific cleric spell called Word of Radiance. This spell is the closest thing that I could find to her own Flash spell so it works here.

With Wizard 1 Arche gains Arcana and Investigation for skills. This also is where she picks up her first spells and the very useful ability of Arcane Recovery. This ability will allow her to recover a spell slot or two after a short rest.

Wizard 2 garners her a few powers as well as her Arcane Tradition of Evocation. Evocation Savant grants her a bit of cost savings for evocation spells. Sculpt Spells is a necessity when it comes to casting area of effect spells and not targeting your fellow party members who are your front line fighters.

From there we take a small pause from Wizard and go to Sorcerer 1 (Divine Soul). Sorcerer 1 grants her a few spells, Divine Magic and Favored by the Gods. With Divine Magic I chose Neutrality which grants her the extra spell of protection from evil and good. Favored by the Gods grants her the ability to roll 2d4 dice and ad it to either a failed saving throw or a missed attack roll once before a short or long rest. Depending on which source of the series you look at decides her fate.

Wizard 3 give you access to level two spells. Wizard 4 for Arche is where she tempers her skills as a combat wizard and learns the feat called War Caster. With War Caster she will gain advantage on Con saving throws to maintain concentration, perform somatic components with weapons in hand, and cast 1 action spells as attacks of opportunities.

Wizard 5 grants Arche level three spells as well as capstones her build.




Chill Touch




1st Level

Chromatic Orb

Color Spray

False Life

Feather Fall


Mage Armor

Magic Missile

Tenser’s Floating Disk

2nd Level



Scorching Ray

3rd Level

Dispel Magic


Lightning Bolt



Spare the Dying

Word of Radiance

1st Level

Healing Word

Shield of Faith

Protection from Evil and Good


Standard Wizard Gear with the dagger, arcane focus staff, and explorer’s pack option. Use the extra gold to pick up a spyglass and save up as much money as possible.

As always a shout out to Overlord Wiki for their amazing information on this character from this amazing series. Looking forward to the next series to create amazing characters from. Until next week!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related