
Familiar barks and hurried yelps drew Connor from his high school chemistry class to here, the entrance of this derelict potter’s field, the rusted iron gate listed in the wind. A series of barks and panicked howls bleated from further in, just behind a ramshackle shed.

Could this be… Oscar?

The wind blew an old lost dog flyer into Connor’s face, as memories of the young labradoodle filled his mind of joyful times. Times of curling Oscar’s hair with his mom’s curling rollers to make funny videos or playing fetch in the backyard during the summer. A somber line of memories followed closely behind however, melancholy thoughts of a broken leash and long nights of searching left a gnawing ache in his heart. Consecutive barks and howls brought Connor back from his daydream, stirring him to act. He hurried his steps across the neglected field as he waded through the overgrown grasses. Connor reached the back of the shed, but was confronted with the scene of utter confusion.  Before him was a massive group of ravens being kept at bay by a dog.  It was steadily fighting back this unkindness of ravens over something, but the sheer number of ravens hid whatever it was.  Connor gathered his strength and teamed with the matted dog to shoo the ravens away. Once the birds left, Connor looked down to discover the desiccated husk of a dog.  The remains of a leash, tattered bits of curly fur, and a tag that read OSCAR.


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related